Well, the cold smap has passed and now we have the usual Sydney hot and muggy summer weather. David is coping OK for now and we will see how it goes!
So, anything new? Well David is expanding his vocabulary. A recent new word is "flower" - we were having lunch with friends and Lydia recognised he was saying flower - I didn't know that he could! He points to flowers (and sometimes just plants) and says it. He also imitates Erin and says "no more" complete with hand movement! We can play "Where is David's hair/nose/ belly button" and also "ear" with less success - he sometimes confuses it with hair. He is also playing "up and down" where he bobs down and says "dow.." and then pops up and says 'up"! When I took him to have his photo taken last Friday the photographer said he was very advanced for his age, so perhaps he really is... As you probably know, it has been a running joke with us, his parents, since he was about 3 weeks old.
We do think David is working on more teeth. He has been waking on a number of nights- jsut not too late. Any time from 8.00pm to 11.30pm. We are getting progressively more tired, particularly as Paul has been travelling again. Hopefully after this week he will be back at home for a couple of weeks.
We have been having a few visitors - Marie from Perth, Lydia and Nadia (who is now 23 weeks pregnant - very exciting) and expecting cousin Julie from Perth for a short visit on the weekend. David and I also had coffee with Auntie Louise on Saturday morning before swimming classes, so all in all we have been very busy. We are still fitting in walks to the playground and the park.
David's naturaltendency is to be a vegetarian. We are still struggling a bit to get him to eat meat - generally disguising it with lots of vegies. But he has no trouble at all with lentils (daal), chickpeas or borlotti beans. Fruit is generally a winner - mango, banana, watermelon, and sometimes kiwi fruit are the current favourites. He is starting to broaden his tastes with couscous and perhaps a little spagetti. He is also drinking lots of water, which is marvelous in this hot weather.
We haven't had him weighed since he was one, and today was too hot for Erin to go to the chemist and see the nurse. However, he certainly hasn't lost weight! That's all for now.