Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More photos from January

So, a few more photos. The first is David being very excited about his new lace up shoes. Erin and Gran went out to buy these, and after two shoe shops and lots of trying on, David got these. Everyone likes them, particularly David. He wore them out of the shop and he still carries them around at home. Sothe first two photos are David walking outside in them. The photo of David in the walking straps was a very short lived experiment by Dad. Suffice it to say that David only thought the straps were exciting until he realised what they were. Dad ended up strapping him in the pram. However, David is definiately out of the pram and walking independently, where ever he can.

The next one is David, Katie, Erin and Gran all walking up to the local shop to buy cream (they didn't have any) and a very good time was had by all. Absolutely no pram or pusher involved!

Last Sunday, before Dad went to Perth for work, he and David went for their usual early morning walk. Unfortunately, David wouldn't hold Dad's hand, instead sitting down when he didn't get to go where he wanted to. It was a big effort to go a short distance. In the afternoon, I wanted to go shopping at the grocery store, and after going to the pet shop (to see fish, birds, rabbits and some puppies) and the fruit and veg shop and butcher, David wanted out. When I let him out, to walk back to the grocery store and get into the shopping trolley, he ran around in the underground parking garage. Not good. He then wouldn't get in the shopping trolley at all, and after a real period of crying, I gave up and came home. He didn't get to walk around though.

The last is just before Christmas - David and Katie playing on David's rocking snail. Lots of fun. Apparently today there were a few tears over this. David and Katie were learning to SHARE - David had to share his snail, and Katie had to share the (David's) Hungry Hippo, which she apparently thinks is hers. David doesn't play with the Hippo very much. David had to sit on the mat for pushing, and Katie had a second day with periods sitting on the mat to learn not to bite David. Just lovely! They do actually get on very well - very excited to see each other and they enjoy playing together, but we are still establishing ground rules. As I have mentioned before, I think babies are a lot like puppies, just more complex and expensive.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Recent Photos

Well, a short post with some recent photos. David in his new toybox - we already need a second one! This was taken at Christmas and you can see the tree in the playpen (for safety) in the background.

The next photo is climbing David - a ladder is a challenge. This is our step ladder at home, which was being used in the garage. It has nice wide treads - so not a problem. This week David was confidently attacking the ladders at the park up to the slides and platforms. These have much narrower treads and wider gaps. He (and Katie and the other kids) love it all.
The last photo is David with his favourite cap - for Australia Day. The day he got it, he wore it all day, even for his nap. It was an emergency purchase, as Erin forgot to take his hat out, but an absolute find, as he will actually keep it on. It is a full adult size - adjusted to the smallest head!
Sorry about the setting out - this is the new "improved" version of hte Blogger and it won't let me adjust the photos properly. Well, you can see them anyway.
More later!