Monday, March 12, 2007


Have I mentioned before that David is very interested in bikes? Bicyles, scooters, motor bikes, tricycles, scooters (foot and motorised), if it looks like it has wheels (WHEEL!!) then it must be interesting. David is very much a boy in a lot of ways already. Cars, trucks, vans, buses, industrial machinery, diggers, tractors are also interesting, as they also have wheels and steering wheels and make noises and do things. For quite a while he has been climbing onto our bikes in the garage - see photo of him with Katie. He runs across to them when he goes into the garage, and cries a lot when we take him away. He stands on the handlbars, tries to climb up on the pedals, sits on the cross bar - you get the idea. He loves standing on the crossbar and spinning the wheel on Dad's golf buggy that is hanging up on the wall. He also loves wearing Dad's bike helmet.
David also makes a bee line for bikes, scooters and cars at playgroup and other children's bikes and trikes at playgrounds, wants to climb on board and gets very excited (and can get upset when he can't get on them, because they belong to someone else). We have checked out a few options including trikes, the smallest possible bike with trainer wheels, scooters, even bikes without pedals (that he would push along with his feet - no breaks, no chains, less distance to fall and apparently very good) however, we have been hampered by him being just a bit small for them all.
So, after one last look at scooters we bought David a trike on Sunday 11 March 2007. See photos for the trike - it has a safety bar, rests for his feet and a push along handle. All of the last mentioned items can be removed as he get bigger. He still can only just reach the pedals (a bit) but not enough to pedal himself.
He loves it. You can't tell from the photos, because he is concentrating, but he was speechless when we got it for him. He just loves it. I pushed him around the little park near Dad's office on Sunday and up to the bike shop for the fantastic blue helmet (which he also loves). Today (Monday) we went for a walk to the corner shop for milk at around 7.00am and then Erin took him to the park and to the shopping centre all with the trike. It fits in the car and he can see it!!
You can also see Gromit modelling the bike and helmet. David must love Gromit very much because he let Gromit ride the bike and helmet! Gromit is a real risk taker too.
More later. I haven't had much time for updates lately - we have had a few minor but time consuming domestic hiccups and I have been working extra hours because I am just so busy. So, not as many updates! I will try to just do these quick ones, to keep you all up to date.