Last week, as a treat, David got a toy Batman - it isa news toy, anda big boy toy. It is an action figure. He deserved it for practicing going to the toilet and brushing his teeth. And the big news is that in the last few days David has succeeded in toilet training himself . We still need to practice, but he is there. He is wearing big boy underpants, at his request, and staying dry. Still using a nappy at night which takes some negotiation sometimes. Because he is getting to be such a big boy, we went out yesterday and bought a doona set. I thought that Spiderman was the favourite, but David chose Batman. It is great. We have a nice washable doona in it, and I think that David was a bit hot last night, because he crawled out from under it at least twice. I eventually covered him with another quilt, and he slept late.
The Olympics has been exciting and David has a little Australian flag to wave, and knows how to enc
ourage - Go [insert name] Go!! We have been staying up late to look at sport, so maybe next week I will get a few earlier nights.

Here are a couple of photos from our outing on the ferry last week to Circular Quay, with daddy! Also a photo of David with claws!