Saturday, August 23, 2008


Last week, as a treat, David got a toy Batman - it isa news toy, anda big boy toy. It is an action figure. He deserved it for practicing going to the toilet and brushing his teeth. And the big news is that in the last few days David has succeeded in toilet training himself . We still need to practice, but he is there. He is wearing big boy underpants, at his request, and staying dry. Still using a nappy at night which takes some negotiation sometimes. Because he is getting to be such a big boy, we went out yesterday and bought a doona set. I thought that Spiderman was the favourite, but David chose Batman. It is great. We have a nice washable doona in it, and I think that David was a bit hot last night, because he crawled out from under it at least twice. I eventually covered him with another quilt, and he slept late.

The Olympics has been exciting and David has a little Australian flag to wave, and knows how to encourage - Go [insert name] Go!! We have been staying up late to look at sport, so maybe next week I will get a few earlier nights.

Here are a couple of photos from our outing on the ferry last week to Circular Quay, with daddy! Also a photo of David with claws!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

What comes next?

Hello! Another week has passed. David is well, and continuing to test all the boundaries. Mostly good, but still gets very frustrated when he doesn't get what he wants.
Nanna Josie is much improved. The operation on her knee went well, and we are hoping that it may end up with a new and improved knee when she finally gets out of hospital. She will be on antibiotics for a few more weeks, to make sure that the infection is gone. She had been having trouble with the knee, so hopefully the new components will will assist with how the knee feels, when she is back home.

We went to the library today and got lots of good books. David likes the library, and choosingbooks. Unfortunately, he chose one, and somehow it didn't get checked out - he was too busy carrying a video and running. We will survive. Curious George has been a big hit, so we have renewed it again.

We have been shopping for a big bed for David - we have found a couple that we like, but it will take 4 to 6 weeks on order for the favourite. So we haven't rushed in yet and will keep looking. What David really liked was all the character sheet sets. In particular, Spiderman sheets. We will see! We have almost decided on a king size single bed and I just hope that they make licensed sheet sets for king size single beds!

Attached is a photo of David with his Spiderman hat, still a favourite after over eight months. He still has milk in a bottle in the morning and night, but drinks everything else out of cups and straws etc. A bit of a comfort thing, I think. You can also see the big boy shoes and big boy trousers.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Just another week

Well, I am not really sure what to start with. The bad news is that nanna Josie is in hospital. After a few days the consensus is a serious infection in her knewe - the one that has the artifical joint. She is due to have an operation tomorrow to clean out as much of the infection as possible. We are hoping and praying for a good result.

In other news, late July & August is another birthday hot spot. We had a gathering at the house last Saturday for Dad's birthday. David loves birthday cake (carrot of course). Cousins, friends and Katie came, so David had a wow of a time. The two of them were up and down the stairs all afternoon, playing in David's room - and Katie enjoyed getting lots of things out of the wardrobe. She had fun getting into David's bed, then asking for all the possible blankets to be piled on top.

Then Cousin Matthew had his birthday - David spoke to him on the phone and wished him Happy Birthday. Matthew was a bit shy to talk. Then it was Uncle Steve's birthday. We posted him a parcel and called him on the phone. Nanna organised a surprise birthday party for Uncle Steve at the Friday night dance, which has been very exciting, even from a distance. Uncle Steve had no idea (and generally gets his way and has absolutely no fuss for his birthday) so it was a real change. A very big birthday cake too! There may be pictures in the paper - we will have to wait and see.

I bought David some red mittens yesterday as it has been so cold. He wore them this morning on his walk with his dad - and now I can only find one! They even had a long string connecting the two, but that only lasted a couple of hours. Because they are plain red, David thinks that they look like boxing gloves. How does he even know about boxing? I think that I explained something about it once, but it is a big leap to then decide that your new warm gloves are for boxing!!!