Sunday, August 30, 2009

Spiderman comic

Last year David saw a Spiderman comic (booklet style) in the newsagent. He sat on the floor to look at it and cried when he had to put it back. He did the same thing with Dad when he visited the newsagent. It was expensive, and much too old for him. We didn't buy it, but I noticed that he kept on wanting to look at it.

When we went to Wagin for Christmas he found it in the newsagent there. Uncle Steve was asking what David would like for Christmas. I told him to get the comic for David. ( Uncle Steve also got David some other wonderful stuff, like a Batmobile).
Well, David just loved it, and still loves it. For weeks I had to read stories from the comic book everynight before he went to sleep. Then I rationed him to one story only from it. After a hiatus, we were reading from it again last night - two stories. David has learnt lots about the different villains and lots of language. In one comic, Red Skull is "never satisfied". David asked what it meant. I explained that it meant that he always wanted more. What ever he got was never enough. David thought about it and said, "I am never satisfied." Later when he was having a bit of a tantrum because I wouldn't give him / buy him something he again said (throught the tears) " I am never satisfied." You have to smile sometimes. He has DVDs of cartoon Spiderman, and again, loves them.

There was an Iron Man cartoon on TV (ABC Kids) and David saw the trailer and wanted to watch it. We saw it, and as a result, Iron Man was very popular for a while. There is also a new movie out (rated M) with Robert Downey Jr and they are making a sequel, but they are too old and violent yet. Ben 10 is becoming the new big thing, because it is very very big in the playgrounds, but Spiderman is a constant. The interesting thing about Ben 10 is that David knew about it and the Ben 10 watch (Omnitrix) before he had ever seen any shows, or read any books on it. Just from the talk between the kids.
This birthday David wants a Ben 10 watch, that lights up and makes noises. We have told him that he can have it if he is good. It is interesting watching him wait for it - he really doesn't like waiting. Waiting for weeks is really hard. I have a few other Ben 10 things organised for presents too.
He still plays with Buzz Lightyear though... Regular Buzz and his brother, silver Buzz.
That's all for now.

A few quick things

A few quick things. David loves dressing up. We dress up as a cowboy, the Lone Ranger or a sheriff, a robot and we have dress up superhero suits - red & blue spiderman, black spiderman (new!), the Incredibles dress up (Dash or Mr Incredible), Batman (not recently). He has an action pack and ropes for climbing (just like a rope climber). This weekend we had to make a belt for gadgets (like Batman). He has been using a plastic tool handle as a sword.

We went to Anaconda which sells adventure and camping stuff - he was too little for the climbing wall, which would have been 5 or 6 metres high (and he thought it was scary) but we managed to buy some proper climbing rope, 1.25m, for a cowboy lasso. He was lassoing the door knobs last night before he went to bed.

He loves guns. When we were cleaning out the garage, dad found an old fashioned derringer replica pistol. Made in Spain, Dad thinks that uncle Bob and Auntie Jeannie gave it to him when he was a boy. Mde of wood and metal. It has a cocking mechanism and a wooden grip, metal barrel. David loves it. We stuck a torch on the top and it became an old fashioned light pistol. We put a paper sight/scope on it and it became an old fashioned sight pistol. This is in addition to the plastic guns (revolvers that don't revolve) that came in the cowboy/Lone Ranger packs. He loves putting holsters on, and if we don't have it, we try to make it out of paper.
Lots of imagination. Lots of roleplaying. Every time he gets something new, or special, he has to tell either his toys (Mum, make Ruby talk, make Terry talk) or he asks me to pretend to be Katie.
On the way to daycare, he wants me to be David, and he will be Mum. That way, he can push the lift buttons and tell me that I can't push them. Interesting, because when we roll play he tells me lots of things that I have told him, and he hasn't necessarily liked. Such as, "You can't have potato chips tonight, they are party food" "Yes, you can watch a DVD when we get home, if you are good!"

David is mostly happy and mostly good and that is wonderful. Two other cute things - he has his own words - Yesternight and Nose wax. Pretty self explanatory.

Anyway, that is all for now.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, I am back after a serious hiatus. Mum died on 14 December 2008. Before we got there for Christmas. I spoke to her on Saturday, and she was full of instructions, but not well after the chemo on Friday. ("Don't buy too much food coming through Perth - we don't want to waste fruit and vegies. We can buy lots in town. Buy a new Christmas tree. Not too big. ") She was really looking forward to seeing us. I think that she insisted on having the chemo on Friday because she wanted to have some improvement for Christmas. She wasn't able to eat much.
She met Fiona with Steve on Saturday afternoon. She told me that she didn't want to put it off any longer. She didn't want Fiona to think that she didn't want to meet her, and she couldn't wait until she was well.
She liked Fiona.
She went into the local hospital later that night, because she was vomiting a lot (after the chemo) and she died early the next afternoon.
We all went across, for the funeral, and to spend Christmas with Steve, Puss and Ted in Wagin. We met Fiona and young Stephen and Matthew.
Anyway, after that I haven't really had the time or energy for the blog.