Hello all. Well, Christmas is approaching like a freight-train laden with iron ore. (Pretty good metaphor, huh?)
We have just got back from a quick trip to Melbourne and my office Christmas party. David had a fun filled time at Nanna's house. We are getting into a routine with the Melbourne trips. David said that he likes his bed and his room at Nanna's house. He also likes his bed at our house.
Last night we wrote the letter to Father Christmas. We need to post it soon. At one of the shopping centres, they promise that if you post the letter to Santa/Father Christmas by 16 December, you will get a response. It must be from a letter writing elf - I told David that Santa wouldn't get time to write back to everyone.
David spoke to the Shopping Centre Father Christmas, and shook his hand. He didn't want to sit on his knee - which is fine by me.
The letter was delayed as David kept changing his mind on what to ask Santa to bring him for Christmas. We have now settled on one thing, but I convinced David to include a few more things that he likes in the letter, to give Santa a few ideas. The main choice was a Spider-man web shooter (a common favourite throughout the year) but with dress-ups and Transformers as other choices. Because the web shooter is not available in stores (it is an old toy) he is hoping that one of the elves can make it specially for him.
David wants to leave something out for Father Christmas as a present - his idea, after we read some books. He thinks that a first-aid kit would be a really good idea, with band aids and bandages. This would be good if he hurts himself. We will have to work on that.
We put the Christmas tree and decorations up early, because of the trip away. David helped lots. As in previous years, we have the decorations on the stairs as well as the tree. This year I put up low voltage lights on the tree. They aren't as bright as regular lights, but they do glow and they are safer.
The tree has a white theme this year. David put on some little crocheted animals (I bought them years ago in Singapore, at the zoo I think) so we have a menagerie in the tree.