Thursday, December 01, 2005

Update at 1 December

Well, it is the first day of summer in Sydney and after a week of rain, the sun shone! The rain has been good news, with the dam capacity actually increasing by 1.5% this week to 41.6%. Mostly, we have dodged the showers when getting out in the pram. However, I did regret not having a big plastic cover for the pram - one of the things that we haven't needed to date, because of the drought.

David had his 2 month immunisation injection on Tuesday 29 November - or most of it. He had the BIG shot, with 7 or so vaccines in it - triple antigen, HIB, HepB etc. but the GP & I decided to leave the pneumococcl for a couple more weeks. Mostly because David is still very small, and because he cried a lot. Less traumatic for us all. David also bled a little - his first band aid. I removed it fairly quickly, as the GP warned against leaving it on as it may cause sensitivity (to the glue, I assume). However, after a feed and filling a very big nappy, David appeared fine. I was warned that he could be a little dopey and he did have a nap. He was so fine that we dropped in to see our previous next door neighbour, Val in East Balmain. Val was home and loved meeting David. David was (once again) very well behaved and impressed Val greatly.

We attended the mother's group on Wednesday morning, this time at the Barn Cafe (rather than Balmain Early Childhood Centre). It was lovely to see everyone, and most (9 of 11) mothers managed to get to the coffee meeting. David is still smaller than a lot of the other babies, but very alert and interested in everything he sees. It was noticeable that there were two types of customers at the cafe - women only tables, principally mothers with babies and men only tables, principally men in suits discussing business. Generally, the mothers' tables looked as though they were having more fun.

This last photo was taken today - as you can see, David is now chuckling. It is one of the nicest things that he wakes up happy!

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