Friday, February 10, 2006

Update - Nothing much happening!

Well, another week has passed. I was about to say that this week has been fairly quiet, but there have been a few things happening. As I write this, David is on the floor in our home office, playing in his baby gym (see the photos from the Australia Day weekend away) and swiping at Eeyore having thrown Tigger away. We tried out the SKYPE last Sunday while Paul was in Melbourne, and the video call worked fairly well. David's Nana and Auntie Gaye saw David clearly enough to know that he has grown and is very wriggly. I am not sure yet whether David understands that it is his family on the screen but that will come soon. David already realises that the telephone is something - he listens to voices through the handset and often plays up a little when he is on my lap and I am speaking on the phone.

This week has been a bit of a Parramatta week. I can't remember when we last went to Parramatta, and we have been three time in the last week. On the weekend we went shopping (finally) for a new car in what I think they call "Automobile Alley". We were going to update the car before the baby arrived, in the first half of 2005 but didn't quite get around to it. Anyway, having talked about it and done a little research, we finally did the fun part and went for test drives. At least Paul did. David and I stayed in the showrooms as the display models generally don't have baby seats in them.

We looked at Audi ( both the A4 and the A6) and Subaru, and were too tired in the end of the afternoon to go to Volvo. The day was well worth it as we ended up with quite a different solution to what we had considered a few months ago. The front runner was always the Subaru - as we already drive a Liberty wagon and we thought last year that we would upgrade to a Subaru Outback. On Wednesday we went back to Paramatta and decided on the Subaru Liberty, but with all the "fruit" - a Subaru Liberty GT Tuned by STi. It is the limited edition (300 only) which has just been released, and we are getting the wagon, in metallic grey. Wheels magazine was very enthusiastic about it. Paul says it drives like our existing Liberty, just about 75% better! It hasn't got a sunroof (which is fine as we never used our existing twin sunroofs), but it has got turbo power and very spunky wheels. We also negotiated a Subaru baby seat (by Safe & Sound) as part of the deal - as Paul says, Really, it is all for David! We should be able to pick the car up next week. That will definitely require a photo on the blog.

The other trip to Paramatta was to a photographer to have portraits of David taken. This was a follow up from the photographs taken in the hospital. The photographer was great with David, who was in a good mood, and we took what (hopefully) were great photos in three poses. The photos taken in the hospital were not good as they didn't look at all like David. However, these should be better and we will be sent a set for approval. If we like them we buy some or all of them. The photographers will also follow up at 12 months and later - their idea is to have asteady stream of customers.

David is still feeding and sleeping well. He is very hungry at 5.00 to 7.00pm every evening. Generally we fill him up and then get him to sleep by 8.00pm and he mostly sleeps through the night. Today and tonight has been out of routine - David woke at 4.00am and then slept really late until 9.40am and only went off for his daytime sleep at 6.00pm and was then awake again at 9.00pm. He is asleep now, and hopefully will be back in routine tomorrow.

That is about all that has happened other than mother's group. This week we went to the Washhouse cafe, and in their outdoor area put down travel rugs so the babies could play together under the shade of a tree. David is one of the most advanced in how much he moves around. Some of the other babies are not even rolling yet. Definitely a success, so we will do that again next week.

So, that is all for now - no photos this week or update on weight. Perhaps next week!

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