I had David weighed on Tuesday 7 March and he is now a beefy 7.7kgs at five months and aone week. He has gained 700 gms in three weeks!

David has also started solids on Monday 6 March!

In more detail, David was very excited by the sight of the bowl and spoon (Bunnykins, with suction bottom). He was very excited & seemed to know it was about food, even before there was any rice cereal in the bowl. We had him sitting up, with some help from Dad. The only problem was that I would suggest that the taste itself was a bit of a let down, based on the look on his face. ("Is that it??"). He didn't finish the one teaspoon we mixed.
However, the next night I tried rice cereal mixed with water, not formula. David got so enthusiastic during the feed that he grabbed the spoon twice and put it in his mouth himself. Pretty good. It suggests that he will want to control it himself, just like the bottle. The third night I gave him rice cereal mixed with breast milk, and got a moderate response.
Next comes organic stewed pear! Then probably carrot.
It doesn't seem to have affected his appetite however. David still seems to need a lot of milk and formula before we can settle him to sleep at night. Once settled though, he does sleep through.
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