Saturday, April 22, 2006

Guess how much he weighs??

Sorry, I forgot something from the last post. I weighed David at the Early Childhood Centre on Tuesday 18 April. The scales were not sitting at Zero, so I got them adjusted, but may still be a little suspect. However, for what it is worth, David weighed 8.6 kgs on the scales. Which means he has gained around 600gms in 3 weeks. He definitely feels heavier.

While he is not a cuddly baby, more a wriggly baby, he has shown some quiet time over the last week or so when he seems to appreciate just being held. It doesn't last long. He does hold my hand (or finger) a lot, and likes to touch me or Dad - just keep in motion while he is doing it.

No teeth yet, but lots of signs. I gave him a rusk for the first time today at lunch time - he seemed to like it. He didn't really eat it, though - just sucked it a lot and dropped it.

I have added a photo, just for interest. It is at the correct angle - it just looks wrong! David in his playpen, near his beloved feeding pillow.

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