Sunday, May 14, 2006


Aren't grandmothers wonderful? In honour of Mother's Day (or mothering Sunday as it was called) I have included a few photos of David with his grandmothers for posterity. David loves his Gran and his Nanna.

It was interesting that when we were in Perth David obviously recognised his Gran from her stay in Sydney when he was born and from Christmas. Have a look at the photo of him pulling on her trousers with a cheeky grin as if to say "Gran, why don't you pick me up?"

I don't think that I mentioned that for the last week David has been "walking" around the ottoman, chairs and couch in the house. He is getting better (by which I mean quicker) every day. He can reach everything on little tables and the chairs. It is amazing just how quick and strong his hands are - Gran calls them his grappling hooks, with good reason.

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