Friday, June 23, 2006

Well, We're back in Sydney again

As the title says, we're back in Sydney again, after nearly 2 weeks away in Melbourne. Paul was working and David & I went for the ride. We stayed with Nanna and Grandad again and David had a marvelous time.

We also enjoyed the weekend we spent in Melbourne - we went to the Yarra Valley (near Healsville) for lunch on Saturday. We went to the Domaine & Chandon winery for lunch and tasted their always delicious sparkling wines (see photo - David is tasting water!)

On Sunday we went to Southbank with Uncle David and Auntie Gaye. David coped very well with the fact that all his waterbottles were left at home on the table. He drank formula from a cup (not very well) and a spoon.

During the week we also found a playground for David, with swings and a slide. David loves the swings and being out.

David had a bath in the big bath, with his father in Melbourne, and greatly enjoyed the deeper water. We have taken to bathing him in the evening, to try to relax him and get him to sleep. Mixed success so far He always loves the bath itself though. He is completely out of routing at present, and still working on a tooth, which doesn't help. For a few nights he has been going to sleep around 11.30 / 12.00 but we hope that will gradually cut back to his regular time!

The other excitment was the workmen in the street outside Nanna & Grandad's house, who were replacing gas pipes. David loved watching the excavators and bobcats digging and filling in holes. Melbourne was dry and cool, but not as cold as I was expecting.

Since we are back, we are interviewing nannies for David..... So will keep you posted on developments.

Today's little development was David confirming how happy he is to climb stairs. It was his idea and he started up the stairs, very confidently. This was his second attempt - he also attempted this just before we left. He climbed pretty well the whole of the stairs without help, but with me standing behind him to stop him from falling. He actually went down two steps, without any difficulty, while progressing up. I am not sure that he would be that good at just coming down though - he needs to be taught to do it backwards. So, again the real priority is to get the stair gates in place, both at bottom and top. I have pretty well worked out how to do it - just need to get the hardware & install. Hopefully it will work this time!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Hamilton Island (or the water baby)

I am now backtracking to the holiday at Hamilton Island. To recap, it was not tropical, but cool and rainy and squally - however cool is relative. It was a lot warmer than wintery Sydney or Melbourne. Paul had to work most days - finally having a break on the last full day and the day we flew out. It was a great break away, without all the housework and routine. It was also great to see Grant & Andrea and the kids and Gael & Jay.

I attach a few photos from Hamilton Island. The one bedroom unit where we stayed was great and pretty baby friendly. Not much for a baby to get into, cane furniture which didn't have any sharp edges and great mirrored wardrobe doors, which David really liked (see photo). Not sure if he is in love with himself, or that other great looking baby. They supplied a portacot, which was fine once we softened the mattress somewhat and a great high chair (see photo of David enjoying pumpkin & sweet corn). Transportation is by way of golf buggy. As we were staying in a unit away from the resort and settlement and up a goat like hill, we were supplied with a buggy. We carried David in the Baby Bjorn - mostly me - with someone else driving. Great fun bombing around at extremely low speed in the buggy.

There was a balcony, which had a balustrade which was David friendly, and a brushtailed possum who paid nightly visits to the balcony to see if we had left any food out (we hadn't). One evening we went up to One Tree Hill, the highest point on the Island to have a cocktail as the sun was setting. In between showers, the sun shone (see photo of David and me in the rotunda). Spectacular watching the rain approach from the ajoining island and move over and out to the next island - there are 74 islands in the Whitsundays group.

David had a very runny nose for the early part of the stay - but didn't develop a cold, so it may have been hayfever or an allergy. It started to warm up as we were about to leave. So on Tuesday I took him for a swim in the main pool at the resort. He loved it, despite the water being a bit cool. He only cried when we took him out. So on the last day, Wednesday, we took him for a swim again. Same thing- loved it and only cried (a lot) when we took him out. So Daddy jumped in and gave him a second swim (see photo). We then got cleaned up and went and caught the plane back to Sydney.

A week was definitely enough, as there is not really a lot to do, other than swim and laze around, and not a lot when it is raining. Gael did some bush walks, but not possible with a pram or Baby Bjorn. There is no shopping to speak of, and the food gets a bit repetitive. Due to the very big tidal range, the beach and watersports are only really operative at high tide, for about 3 hours a day. The watersports in the afternoon were cancelled on the weekend, due to the squally weather, so that didn't give us much options. After Sunday, the tides meant watersports were from 9.30 to 11.00 am. Genuinely friendly staff all over the island meant it was all very pleasant.

Latest statistics

Here are a couple of action shots of David. He loves the telephone, but doesn't like it when I am talking on it - not paying him enough attention probably.

Well, I managed to have David weighed today, at the Chemist, between showers. Winter has finally struck. The last few days have been cool (cold for Sydney) and wet. Unfortunately, not wet in the catchment areas, but at least the parks and gardens are having a drink. Over 50mls fell here yesterday - coldest day in Sydney for 2 years and wettest day for over 12 months. In fact, over the last 3 days more than 120mls have fallen; the most rain since August 2004.

Enough of the weather report - David weighs 9.6kgs, is 72 cms long and has a head circumference of 46.5cms. All have increased since his last weigh in on 9 May. So even though he is not terribly interested in solids a lot of the time, and doesn't eat that much, he is thriving.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Lots happening

Well, David is back from Hamilton Island and coping well with the cooler weather. I went out this week and bought him a few more clothes. You can see his edgy 'urban streetware' jacket in the photo on the swing. Sorry that there hasn't been an update for a while, but lots has been happening. As they say, Life just keeps happening.

I have attached a few photos of David for your edification. I like to call them Baby with a Balloon (received at the local Community Centre Open Day - see later), My favourite food is Duck! and Baby on a Swing (taken today at the playground)

David is looking really grown up now, and is standing and pulling himself up confidently. He is into everything. We are constantly watching him and moving things. He is loving hte independence though. He has had a little bit of sneezing & runny nose since day 2 at Hamilton Island - I think that it may be hayfever or an allergy to some food. I suspect blueberries, which have been included in a couple of his bought baby foods. I have also had hayfever, which is starting to clear up after a week at home. The other "usual suspect" is teething - David looks as though he is getting another tooth, with lots of dribble, fractiousness and bright red cheeks (particularly on his right side).

We went to the Open Day at Nanny Goat Hill community centre on Saturday and David had a great time - first ballon. It was originally filled with helium, but when it went flat, Dad blew it up with air. David saw a puppet show, and animals (Bandioot, bob tail lizard, stick insect, carpet python) from the Taronga Zoo mobile van, and watched a demonstration music class.

This week I have taken him to the local playground on two occasions, and he is getting to like it. Most of the equipment is for older children, but we have a little play and he crawls around on the artificial grass. The playground is fenced, and we have met other children there, which is also fairly exciting for David. He has had a little swing on the swing, with his own safety belt.

Well, that is probably enough for tonight. I tried to add another photo, but it won't go, so the machine is probably tired like me. See you soon.