Monday, June 05, 2006

Latest statistics

Here are a couple of action shots of David. He loves the telephone, but doesn't like it when I am talking on it - not paying him enough attention probably.

Well, I managed to have David weighed today, at the Chemist, between showers. Winter has finally struck. The last few days have been cool (cold for Sydney) and wet. Unfortunately, not wet in the catchment areas, but at least the parks and gardens are having a drink. Over 50mls fell here yesterday - coldest day in Sydney for 2 years and wettest day for over 12 months. In fact, over the last 3 days more than 120mls have fallen; the most rain since August 2004.

Enough of the weather report - David weighs 9.6kgs, is 72 cms long and has a head circumference of 46.5cms. All have increased since his last weigh in on 9 May. So even though he is not terribly interested in solids a lot of the time, and doesn't eat that much, he is thriving.

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