Tuesday, July 18, 2006

another update

Nothing too startling - I haven't been takeing many photos lately for tow reasons. the first is that I have been feeling very average, due to the cold and David going to bed so very late. the second is that David now understands the camera somewhat, and crawls towards me very rapidly when I have it, so I can't take his photo. Either that, or the camera strap is just the most amazing thing in the world.

Mind you, toys are just not what they used to be a couple of months ago. Now it is all about cupboards, drawers, frying pans, caps, bottles and anything else real you can name. Remote controls and mobile phones are probably the high point, but he doesn't really get to experience them much. Chasie is the best game in the world at the moment - with either Dad or me, round and round the play pen.

This is a photo of David's new rocking snail - which is still a little big for him, but proving to be a bit exciting.

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