David playing peek a boo using the big pram hood, yesterday. It is interesting to see him taking more control of his environment - not just letting us pull the hood down to shade him from the sun. He interacts with us and almost everyone he sees - a real people person!
Well, David (and Dad) survived my going on a residential course this week, and spending two nights away. Not just survived but coped swimmingly. I don't think that David even skipped a beat. He was really excited to see me on Friday evening, but clearly he is quite secure enough to be without me. After all, he had Dad and Erin. Good to know.
Last weekend we all went to David's first party - that is, the first party where David is invited, and we are just add-ons (rather than the other way around). It was Finn's first birthday party. A few things became clear. The logistics are probably tougher than for adult social occasions - because it was from the middle of the day, scheduling David's nap was really important. And, traffic, summer weather and crowds for school holidays were also challenging. We also mastered fancy dress. It was a cowboys and indians party. I got some sheriff gear for David, which he wore with his new checked shirt and trousers. Sarah (Finn's mother) had made lots of preparation - great food, salads, balloons, bubble blowing, cowboy hats, plates & cups and a special cake. In some ways the roughest part was that the toddlers/babies didn't seem to have any sense of occasion - they treated it as just another playgroup session, in a different location. It just confirmed with us that there is no concept of birthday yet. Maybe next year!!
I don't have much to report from this week - because of aforementioned course and working to get all done to get out of the office/house for a couple of days. However, David has become a bit of a clothes horse. I bought him a new polo top and hoody jacket with a zip, to try for sizes. Well, I put the new top (size 2) on him when I got home on Tuesday - over his pjs and he just took off and strutted around the lounge room! Just like a model, thoroughly thrilled. I took it off after about 10 minutes and he cried! So I gave it back to him, and then he strutted around with it in his hand. The only thing that distracted him was trying on the new jacket (size 1) for a while before bed. He had a new outfit on Friday that he was thrilled about (a present from Auntie Louise) and strutted about in. (By the way, you can see the new shirt in the photos above - a green leaf pattern) On Saturday, he picked up my casual (round the house) skirt and strutted around with that, using it like a cape, or a hood. We were trying to make sure he didn't cannon into things! I may have to make him a little cape. For a little while now, we have seen David take thinks - toys, cords cloth, clothes, and put them on the back of his neck or head. Now he seems to be doing it with lots of cloth - like a cape.
Other than that, lots of the same - watching everything and copying. While he hasn't shown much interest in the shape sorting toys, he is showing a lot of interest in opening/closing or taking out/putting back of taking off the top/putting it back on. He is really getting good at working out how things work. He loves taking out the bath plug and putting it back in. A bit scary too, when he gets fascinated with trying to turn locks etc.
Anyway, that is all for now folks!