Sunday, October 08, 2006

A whole number, not a fraction!

Well, probably time to recap a little on David's birthday etc. We didn't really plan much for his actual birthday. Paul had been in Melbourne, but managed to catch an earlier flight, so he was home around 5pm. I was at work, and David spent the day with Erin & Katie. He had a nice day. We all sat around and opened his presents and cards, including the ones from Melbourne & Perth. David enjoyed his presents, but didn't really understand the significance. We all sang Happy birthday to him (several times during the day).

He had a special afternoon tea with Erin and Katie, and had apple bread to celebrate. He liked all his presents - he always does! Briefly, he got a toy fire engine, some little cars, bathers (a rash top with the Wiggles Wags the Dog) some clothes ( a lovely red checked shirt and a hand knitted jumper) a big fleecy striped blanket, some books and the xylophone/piano from Dad & me. He had already been enjoying his big truck and trailer for almost two weeks. I have also now enrolled him in swimming classes from early November.

On the weekend we went and saw the Haselhursts for the Grand Final (separate blog), and on the holiday Monday we took David out for breakfast and then to the pool for a swim in the wading pool and then a small dip in the big pool. Very exciting!! Dad walked David too and from the pool, and he fell asleep on the way home. It was a beautiful day, like early summer, warm, clear with a bit of breeze and no humidity. So, lots of excitement for his almost birthday. We also caught up with the Del Mastros for brunch the weekend before, so David is well aware of his roots.

For his birthday he also cut another two teeth. That explained the disturbed nights. He has been sleeping much better now since about 4 October, and either waking early in the evening or sleeping through until around 5.30 or 6am.

And what has David been doing? Climbing! He climbs onto the couch, the tables, chairs, anything! He gets his left leg up and digs in his toes and he is up! He tries to climb everything - his high chair, into the bath, out of the bath.... The scariest thing so far is that, when the cot side is down, he can get his leg over the top of the side! He just wants to travel. He goes in and out doors - both here and at Nada & Richards. He is getting very very good at getting down, always getting down backwards. But, with all the travelling, he is falling over more. He has the little bruises to prove it too.

He is also "talking" more - lots more words that we understand. David manages the first sound and we know what he means. He is saying Da for David, Da for Dad, Mem for mum, Ga for garage, ca for car, dow for when he wants to get down, b / bo for lots of things, including book, bird and bottle, mi for milk, p or pl for plane, and plug, d for duck and so on. His best sounds are probably still bye bye, Ta (for thank you) and koo ka for kookaburra. Last night he managed go awa for gone away when the plug came out of the bath and the water goes away.

He is really funny in the bath. He really likes the plug and wants to pull it out and then put it back. He understands now that he has to sit down in the bath, and that if he pulls out the plug the bath is over, so he waits until he has had some time in the bath before he does either. Once it is over and he wants out he signals it by the plug, standing up and showing he is finished, or by trying to get his leg up to get out. Of course, when the bath is running firstly throws in his ducks and then he tries to climb in, and after he is dressed, he wants to go back into the bathroom and climb back in again.

The great things is that he does understand a lot, and does listen. He is getting more frustrated now when he doesn't get his own way (remote controls, mobile phones, keys, into the garage etc) and cries real tears. But, he does seem to accept (eventually) that he doesn't get everything he wants!
Well, I haven't been able to load photos on this one, so youll have to wait until next time!

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