What more to update? Well, David's latest thing is jumping. About two weeks ago he really started jumping - lifting both feet off the ground, jumpin on the spot. After a few days of that, he started jumping off things - steps, kerbs etc. Mostly he is really good and holds my hand. He looks at me and says questioningly, "Jump?"
Last weekend, he wanted to come down the stairs, jumping instead of stepping. Well, we managed to discourage that (Mostly!). He slipped down one step this morning, but was fine because he was holding on to the balustrade with his hand. Well done David!
This weekend though it is more about climbing up on things, and depending on the height, jumping down. When I say climbing up, he now wants to climb up on fences as we walk down the street, and is starting to check out the street trees to see if he can climb them. There is a ledge at the Community Centre, on the outside wall. It starts at street level, and runs level with the foundations as the street falls away. If would be around 7cms wide, and reaches a height of probably 70cms. David wanted to climb up and walk along it on the way back from the playground today. The first two times he walked along it he held Mum's hand - but he was a "big boy" and didn't want to hold Mum's hand on the third go. Nice confidence, but we have to keep reminding him to be careful.
So, to the photos. The first is David getting ready for a Pirate Party last weekend, for Finn's second birthday. The red hat is a pirate hat. He must have kept in on for at least 3 minutes! However he did keep his sun hat on for longer at the party, so that was OK. He is wearing new shorts for hot weather (it was 32C before a change came through), and I really like them as they are light and cool.
The second photo is at the park for Natasha's birthday party, in September. Katie, David and Finn found the water fountain, and worked out how to make it splash water. Lots and lots of fun, and they all got drenched. David went home in the pram (we had walked) in a dry nappy and the spare t-shirt, because everything else, including his shoes was drenched. He splashed in the puddle right next to the fountain! A lovely time had by all, without wasting too much water.
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