Well, to start with a few things that have been happening. Today we went to a Playschool concert. There were a few of us there from Mothers Group and a room full of excited toddlers and (mostly) their mums. At 45 minutes it was just the right length. Lots of singing and toys and a few jokes. David was very excited all morning, particularly as Katie was going to the concert too. No breakfast, but toast in the pram. He sat or stood with us and sang and clapped etc for at least 25 minutes of the concert, and then we ran around, explored, climbed and jumped on chairs and steps for the last 20 minutes. For David, that is pretty good. A very good time had by all. Afterwards, we went to a coffee house with an outside play area. Because of the concert, there were lots of other kids there and they all played together very well - nine of them! There were two big groups, so the others knew some of the kids, but David played with and talked to them all.

Also, I attach a photo of David in his new robot pyjamas climbing on top of the couch. The robot pyjamas have been a huge hit. They are actually more summer pjs, and a bit big but David loved the robots so much that he had to wear them. As the quilt was warm, it didn't seem to worry him in bed. He wore the top to daycare, and cried because I wouldn't let him wear the shorts too (not warm enough). The top looks just like a t-shirt, with robots on the front. The Sunday morning after the first night, he wore the shorts over his trackpants and the top under his jacket up the road for his walk with Dad. On Monday, he wore the top to Daycare and cried on the floor when I wouldn't let him wear the shorts - not warm enough. I went back and bought another set of pjs exactly the same, so we could alternate.

It has been cold here in Sydney for the last week or so, and particularly so the last couple of nights. Eight celcius is cold for Sydney. So, the last two nights he has been in his new (too big) Thomas the Tank engine pjs. Again, very excited about them, and he had to wear the shirt to daycare. These look a bit more like pjs though!!!
Dad is back for the weekend, so we had a lot of fun this morning and the weekend will be excellent.
We went to the library last Sunday and took out books with David's own library card (NEW!!). He likes having his own card. David found a Curious George book with several stories and that has been a real favourite this week. I have taken it along and read one of the stories to him when I drop him off at Daycare and it is helping the separation process.
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