Saturday, September 26, 2009

Holiday snaps

Holiday snaps from Port Macquarie, early in August. David in a Maccas playground. They are wonderful when you are on the road. Generally, filthy, hot or cold, with bad visibility, but little opportunity to hurt themselves, and all different. The coffee is getting better at the McCafe, so we like the leg stretch and exercise. I am fond of saying that it is just as well that I am not too big. I generally have to climb into them. Either because David needs some encouragement to go down a curly tube slide or because I have to see something, or because he won't get out.

All of those things are getting better though, compared with 12 months ago. Soon he won't want tme to play with him, so I will enjoy it while I can.
This is Action David, on the balcony/outdoor porch of the cabin we got at Port Macquaire. Just near the breakwater, and Town Beach. Lovely view. Not quite camping, as we ended up thinking it was still a bit cold for canvas. The days were lovely, but the nights cold. We had lots of climbing and action stuff. David has obviously seen someone rock clilmbing, becaus he has ben wanting to imitate it for a while. He wants sticky boots. He wants climbing rope and grappling hooks. He wants to be safe when he climbs, so he uses his safety harness. Given that David can't yet tie a knot, I am not confident that the rope and harness are in fact safe. This holiday the occy strap was a key ingredient, and the climbing rope that I bought him. He spent a lot of time climbing up onto the decking, from the garden, over the railing you can see in the background.
David slept in his new Spiderman sleeping bag, on the top bunk. He loved it! He was great with the ladder. I was happy that with the railing, he couldn't fall out. There was also a window up top, and separate lights so he had light and air. Perfect!

This is a photo of Sara, the little tabby cat with no tail who absolutely made the holiday. She was a real pet, so not a stray. Sara was the name David gave her. She tried to give a good impression of being homeless and hungry, but was so tame that she must have a home. She just loved David and loved to mooch. David is wearing his favourite alien flannelette pyjamas.

Lots more about the holiday. We saw a lighthouse, flew a kite, ran lots and lots on the beach. We visited the Koala hospital and saw koalas. We also went fishing. David has his own blue fishing rod. Dad caught a couple of small fish, which had to go back in, but we did catch fish! David didn't stay still long enought to really get into the fishing experience though....

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