Well David has his last week at Daycare next week, before he starts school. He finishes on Tuesday 25th January, before Australia Day. I will have a few days holiday with him before he starts, and we can do some fun things together. After nearly three years at Greenwood, he is graduating. He is ready for school and I think he is looking forward to it. We will walk to school in the mornings, or perhaps use the scooter. I will be working, so we have organised Out of School Hours (OOSH) for four afternoons a week. It looks great, with lots of activities and really well organised. Hopefully it is all good!
We have the school uniform organised (although I think I will buy some more shirts to make it easier to get through the week - they are pale blue, so I think that they will need washing after each day). We have organised good lunch boxes and containers (a great bottle and some containers from Auntie Gaye & Uncle David at Christmas too). David has been thinking about healthy lunch options at Daycare - we just hope that he eats them.
It has not been a good summer, with lots of rainy days, but compared with everywhere else we are really fortunate - no floods, no fires (yet) and no locusts or dengue/Ross River fever.
This is a picture of David wearing his uniform to daycare in Transition Week. Pictures of David in School Uniform at school to follow!
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