David on an overcast but warm day - yesterday- at Bondi beach, playing in the sand. He actually kept my hat on for a while. It isn't as tight as his hat. We didn't go near the water, as there were a few waves and we weren't really equipped for the beach. We went to Bondi after dropping Dad at the Swans/Carlton football match. In fact, David nearly missed the beach visit entirely as he was fast asleep in the carseat. Luckily he woke up, just as I was thinking about going home.
After approximately twenty minutes of crawling in the sand and having a marvelous time, we went and had some lunch overlooking the walkway near the beach.
I bought a little fish and chips (but without the chips) on the basis that it was a classic experience. David tried some fish, but was so unimpressed that he took it back out of his mouth and threw it away.
He did love his usual lunch of fruit and crumpet with

cream cheese, and watching the world walk past. Then we went home, and David had a lovely long sleep in the car. He had his bath early, to get rid of all the sand. After the bath, he was still restless so we went for a walk in the park, to spot planes and birds and stretch mummy's legs.
It was a big day, because we had breakfast out to celebrate David and Paul's first Father's Day. It was a beautiful, warm Spring morning, which didn't last.
The change came through finally, lots of wind but only a few spots of rain. Out second warm night - and the fruit trees, magnolias and jasmines are definitely broken out in bloom so Spring has sprung. They are forecasting an El Nino summer, so it will be long hot and dry.
David is definitely walking whenever he wants to. Which means still crawling for speed. This is probably the third week now, with hard floors being better for balance than carpet. Erin says that for the last couple of weeks he has been taking eight to ten steps, and tonight he was walking forward and sideways across the kitchen floor. He is also getting very good at communicating - "B" and pointing for bird, "Ga" for garage (as in, hammering on the door to go into the garage), "Sh" for shoe, "Ra" for rain and most importantly, "P" or "Bl" with looking up and pointing for plane when he sees or hears one of the commercial airliners go overhead.
Also new this weekend, he was making lots of sounds with his hand back and forth over his mouth, to change the sound. Lots of fun.
That's all for now.