Friday, September 08, 2006

The flood

A photo of David in the bath for no reason other than it is funny. He is balancing a beach ball on his head, which he enjoys.

Well, Sydney had over 100mls of rain overnight on Wednesday 6/ Thursday 7 September. Some of it fell in the catchment areas. A lot of it fell through our roof and into our kitchen! We survived! It makes you realise just how terrible real disasters like a cyclone or the flooding of New Orleans are, and how lucky we were that it was just a semi blocked gutter which gave up when the rain became torrential. The guys from the SES came out and checked the roof, because I was positive that there were sheets of metal banging. They were marvelous! and said it was only a gutter problem that they had cleared. Apparently the banging is from the block of units behind us which is having major renovation works done to all the units. Hooray!!!

David survived it all realy well. It is very exciting to have water everywhere - it gives lots of opportunities for crawling through puddles. However, he didn't enjoy the very loud thunder and lightening which went with the storm. We kept him in bed with us for a couple of hours when it was at its worst.

We should have a week or so of rain now - with good falls due in the catchment area. It will be miserable, but great. Back to warmer clothes though.

David is eating well and sleeping well. The six teeth are all through and still bothering him from time to time - more so when he is tired.

The attached photo is of muscleman David, with Daddy in our hammock chair. Daddy is holding him up, but don't underestimate how strong he is! He grabs at door knobs or the staircase balustrade when we are carrying him past and he has a good grip on him!! It is enough to pull you up and turn you around.

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