Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Catch up photos

Well, the purpose of this blog is to add a couple of photos that I haven't been able to load before. There is a good photo of David at playgroup, and you can see how much bigger he is getting.

There is also a photo of the flooded kitchen - with buckets under the light fittings. We are still getting musty smells, so hopefully that will dry out in the drought that Sydney is having - there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud.

And last, but not least, a photo of David taken on the weekend, in his new toy. I got him a truck and sort of carriage - both megablocks and second hand from the local St Vinnies. They are a great size and he loves them. I haven't seen anything like them at the toy stores - only much smaller trucks. He climbed in himself and was very proud of it.

It is David's birthday tomorrow and he was weighed and measured today. He is 11.08kgs DWT, 76cms long and 47.5cms head circumference. Basically still following his curves, he has a head well above the 50percentile, lengthy almost exactly on the 50 percentile and weight well above the 50 percentile. Doing well!

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