Thursday, December 14, 2006

Weather and catch up

Well, yesterday it was 32C and today has an official maximum of 21C (reached overnight, before the southerly change came through) with most of the day 18C or below, with drizzle. Tomorrow, when David is supposed to be swimming, it will be a maximum of 19C and drizzle or scattered showers. A hypothetical question - why, in the midst of the hottest Spring on record, a long drought, global warming etc, have three (four, if we count tomorrow) of six (or seven) swimming classes involved drizzly rain and cold winds? We didn't make one of the warm classes because we were in Melbourne. An enigma. However, the upside is that he hasn't been sunburnt and that he doesn't have to keep his hat on (always a struggle) when it is raining.

Anyway, I have attached two photos of David on a grey, cold and overcast day throughly enjoying swimming. This was taken on Saturday 2 December, before it rained - and he only got out of the pool three times. Luckily dad was there to field him, so I didn't have to leap out after him. As soon as David gets hold of the edge, the climbing leg goes up and he is out. When he gets too much salt in his eyes he reaches out for the edge too, but it is all good as one of the prime purposes of these lessons is for him to learn enough water safety to be able to get back to the edge and get out. The lesson ended a bit early as a few of the babies were looking blue. After this, we had a nice warm shower and a sing-song in the shower with another mother. Lots of fun. David generally is so tired afterwards that we give him lunch at the pool, he goes to sleep in the car on the way home and then sleeps for around three hours.

The conclusion is that I am not sure if we will go swimming tomorrow. David has been really tired after the trip to Melbourne, and getting over the hand foot and mouth virus. He may be finally cutting those molars. Erin thinks that she can feel bumps on his gums and he is certainly not 100% - not actually sick but not quite himself. We will wait and see how the weather is. We want David well and happy for Christmas.

We are aiming to get the Christmas tree up this weekend. I wrote a few Christmas cards last night, so we are starting to get there..... Lots to do, and lots of fun to come.

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