Erin and Cathy tell me that I should be keeping track of David's words. When I say words, some require a little interpretation, but I am listing the words he uses consistently and with meaning, often asking for something. These are in addition to Mama, Dada and David.
Here are a few in no particular order - some will be repeats of words I have already recorded in some of the blogs.
More and "No more" (with hand movement), no, bottle, mango, banana, sultana, nanna, door, shower, flower, down, up, foot, hair, lion, bird, ta (for thanks), please, bath, bed, pear, milk, kookaburra, bear, plane, plug, book, dog, duck, garage, bite, nose, ear, two (he says it after you say "one"), toast, biccy, water, shoe, "nigh nigh" (for nighty night), bye bye, open, drawer, close, mess, warm, hot, cold, belt, nappy, ca ca (used when he has a dirty nappy), car, bus, truck, Maisie, grape, medicine, mine, me, bag, bibby (for his bibs), plover, "diddle diddle" for his Hey Diddle Diddle book, bubble, burp, brush, stairs, ball
and something that doesn't really sound like avocado, but I know means avocado.
There are also a lot of quite complex mysterious sounds - like "Beckarr" "Bikkar" (I originally thought it was "big car" because he was using it in the garage but now I think it is Bike, with emphasis on the "k" - he uses it when he plays with the bicycles in the garage and particularly when playing with the pedals) and Paul swears that he said Mudjahadeen the other day. I think that he said "you're back" to me on the morning after my trip to Melbourne. He also may be saying "Here we go" which is something I say everytime the traffic lights change and we start to cross the road.
He didn't want to have his photo taken with Santa today, so he told Erin "Santa bye bye" which seems pretty clear, along with the crying.
He also makes animal noises - there is a roar for a lion, a woof for a dog, a moo for a cow, the kookaburra noise, a bit of a meow for a cat and a "ee ee" noise for monkey or chimp.
He is now using No and don't - apparently he tells Katie not to do certain things (copying us when we tell him not to do things - so he obviously listens, he just doesn't always obey).
He also imitates words that we say, including names. I haven't included them here as I can't remember them all, and sometimes we are not sure if he understands them. He definitely understands a lot more - on Wednesday night he was trying to lift the wheelie bag with one hand and it was too bulky. Paul said to him twice that he would have to "use both hands", so he did and lifted it up.
I will update this more later.
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