I have attached a photo of David wearing his Swannies hat - we have had cold weather finally and he wore it for at least 20 minutes!!! He is off for a walk on Saturday with his Dad. He also loves his bomber jacket, but I need to take a photo of him wearing it. David loves going for a walk with me first thing in the morning (to geta coffe at Gerry's up the road) or just around the street, in that half hour after Dad leaves and before Erin and Katie arrive.
He also likes going for walk last thing at night, which is in the dark by now. We cross the road (being very, very careful of cars) and go down to the corner, then cross the road again and come back up the hill. Then it is bottle, books and bed. If he is lucky, he also strikes John next door getting home at night or packing up in the morning - he then gets to look in John's van, touch a few things and say hello to John (and Carol and April the dog). Lately he looks like he wants to march into their home. He particularly likes their chinese spear carrying warrior (soldier) just inside the front door. He is also on a first name basis with Danny next door.
Well, on a topic that is starting to become fashionable at the Mothers' group - potties and potty training. All the toddlers are becoming interested in the next stage!
We have discussed this with the nanny, and she says not to start anytime soon - until David is closer to three years of age. He needs to be able to control his bodily functions, and be able to get out of bed and go if necessary - which won't happen while he is in the cot! Also, once we start, we must continue, so we won't start now.
The reason for the discussions is that over the last few months, David has become very interested in what happens when we go to the toilet, particularly Paul. In April, David became very interested in his potty chair - he wanted it out of the wardrobe and wanted to sit on it. Great for familiarisation and to prevent him being scared. On Anzac Day he wanted his trousers and nappy off, to sit on it, and he did his first wee in the potty. Over the last month he has waxed and waned in his interest. He definitely knows what it is for and we let him sit on it any time he asks to, but we don't force him. This Monday he did another wee, and this time he helped flush the toilet (he pushed the button). There have been a few false starts too (that is, nothing produced), but we are just going with it at the moment.
Lots more words and using more strings of words. Erin says that she has also heard him using the definite article (the) so that is interesting. Erin has also said that he is now saying the days of the week (Katie comes on Tuesday and Wednesday, Erin says bye on Thursday, and that she will see him on Monday). David says he likes Saturday best - we think that is because both Mum and Dad are around on Saturday!
I made David a book by filling up an exercise book with lots of pictures from magazines and newspapers - different pictures like flowers, tools, cars, bikes, sharks, scenery and whatever else I could find. It has his name in the front and he really likes it. After a few days he is able to point at lots of things and use their names.
He loves seeing Katie - last Friday we went to the local Playgroup Fun Day for the region and he loves seeing Katie (with her mum) as well as some of the other Mothers' Group babies at the ground. It was a beautiful day, and David patted a snake and a baby crocodile and saw an Australian Bearded Dragon which was climbing over the handler's shirt. He also saw ducks, chicks and rabbits from outside the petting zoo, but didn't have the patience to wait to go inside. We danced to the music and played in the dirt. BUT most importantly, David rode on the model train at least 5 times (with Mum). The train engine was blue like Gordon and there were several open mini carriages. The driver was dressed up like a traditional engine driver. David also had a couple of very short goes on the jumping castle, but again mainly seems to enjoy getting on and off.