Saturday, May 19, 2007

A few more things

A few more quick things.

Lots more words. Paul reminded me of lots of words that I didn't include in the last blog, and there are lots of new ones.... Mountain, fountain, restaurant, skateboard, castle,

And a few nice little things. We sing "Old MacDonald had a farm" and David always chooses Cow. Always. So, for a little variety, Mum and Dad also have turns. When it is our turn we choose something else (sheep, tractor, cat, pig) and sometimes David does the noises. When it is his turn, he says "ei ei o" and "Cow". Very very cute, as he gives us a big smile when he does it. He also likes "dingly dangly scarecrow", incy wincy spider, hey diddle diddle, There was a crooked man, twinkle twinkle little star and other well known songs.

We went on a bouncy castle yesterday at the local markets. Itis there every Saturday, and lots of kids are on board. This is about the third time David has been on it. The first time was a non-starter, the second time he just went on the edge for a little while. This time he went on further and stayed longer. He gets on and off several times, but seems to be enjoying it more. He got knocked by a bigger boy this time, so I got on to comfort him. David was fine after a minute or so, and stayed on. When you are just sitting, and not bouncing it can make you feel sea sick, so I now understand why he wants to get off and then back on.
Auntie Carolyn has been visiting for a weekend, while in Sydney for work. We have been having a lovely time. Carolyn has been reading David books, and generally being nice to him. David has made up his mind and he likes Carolyn and is attempting versions of her name - Karen, Carol, and finally (mostly) Carolyn. We went out to the local Italian restaurant last night, and David was very good for almost 2 hours, with only 2 biggish walks (to the street corner) to get the fidgets out.
He also ate some of our pizza, and enjoyed it. Progress!

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