Saturday, May 19, 2007

Another catch up

So, where to start? I am trying to go back and fill in for the lost month. This is a photo of David helping with the vacuuming in late April. He loves the vacuum (he can say it, and make the noise) and will sometimes get out the hose & fittings from the garage.

On 20 March 2007 (as near to 18ths as you like) David had a check up at the nurse at the Chemist. He weighed 12.56kgs (dwt )with head circumferance of 49.5cms and length 82 cms (lying down). She gave him a check up for 18mths and he was on schedule. In language and understanding (following instructions) she thought that he was advanced for his age. This, while pleasing, comes with a warning - Yes! He is starting the two-year-old tantrums early! So, we have to be careful to keep routine and discipline strong and consistent, and cater for him being intelligent. Well, we already knew that, and it has continued to be the case.

Today we had a bit of a tantrum. David and Dad had been for a lovely walk, returning with coffee for Mum and Auntie Carolyn, who has been staying this weekend. He was running around, and followed us into the garage, where we were trying to take the washing off the line. He then insistently asked to get into the car and play. I was also trying to cook eggs for breakfast and get his weekbix and toast ready. I will give him credit for even remembering to try "please". Unfortunately, he did not take well to not being able to play in the car, or to being eventually removed from the garage. He worked himself up to a full crying fit. Dad took him out to sit on the front door step, to look at things. Then I took over for a while. He eventually got calmer, then just a bit "proppy". He did eventually get into his high chair and have toast. The tantrum would have lasted for over 15 mins. He was clearly both tired and hungry (but not excessively). Anyway, we continue on.

David also got his molars in April - cutting them around18 April. He had been a bit grizzly and miserable before that, for weeks, and it really wasn't clear whether it was teeth or the whole tired / tantrum thing. Then he cut 4 molars within a couple of days. They are coming through but have been slower than the ordinary teeth. He moved straight onto his canines. We noticed more of the biting again - biting everything, and when frustrated biting himself on the arm and sometimes biting me too. Mind you, often he bites me when he is really happy and excited - too much emotion.

I also took him to the Early Childhood Centre for another formal 18 mth check up and to ask about the biting. The nurse there also thought that he was doing really well, and talking and walking well. The consensus view (she rang me back) is that while the biting is definitely related and more common while he is teething, it is a pre-verbal way of dealing with frustration. It is apparent to me that he gets release from biting himself, and that is apparently healthy, and better than bottling it up. As his speech improves, it should diminish and it should disappear by the time he is three years old. In fact, it had improved after he got the teeth and has been a lot better the last couple of weeks. We have tips on how to deal with it, more of how we are dealing with it now. Mostly, he is clearly a bit better after he does bite his arm, and will then say "biting" and will kiss his arm better.

On the whole though, David is marvelous and very happy. He really is into all manner of boys things - tools (screwdrivers), vehicles (trucks, vans, trains, tip trucks, rubbish trucks, buses etc), running, gutters, bikes, scooters, the sandpit, and books (and more books and even more books). We all think he is marvelous, and getting more interesting every day.

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