Tuesday, November 06, 2007

First Tuesday in November

Well, it is early November and I sit here with cold feet listening to the welcome sound of rain on the roof. It has been drizzly or raining for over a week now, and another week of the same is ahead. We went to the playground opposite Dad's office on Sunday and DAvid walked into a big puddle after the rain, under the swings - he was wet nearly to the knees, and we had to take off his shoes & socks and empty them out. Still warm on Sunday, so it was rather funny.

At least some has fallen in the agricultural areas and in the catchments - we had a bigfront come through the inland from SA bringing welcome rain. It is enough for finishing rain in WA and may be enough to save some crops in NSW. Of course we haven't used the paddler pool since the day after we bought it! Perhaps that is all it takes to break the drought - buying paddler pools!

I have today finally bought David rubber wellingtons, but I will need to exchange them for the larger size - the extra small just fits him now. He will get some wear out of them before summer though!

We are in the midst of a federal election campaign, and David can now say John Howard. For how much longer, one wonders? And today it was Melbourne Cup day, with Efficiency winning in a great race from Purple Moon and Mahler, despite NSW and Queensland being decimated with Equine Influenza. David watched it on the TV with Erin, but decidely quiet for us all.

I have added a photo of David eating a chocolate coin. You can't see it because he is eating it all, very carefully and quickly. He asks for chocolate a lot - and DVDs and books and "special treats". He had his first chocolate frog from David Haselhurst and now he gets a little choc now and again. On the weekend he rushed over to show me that he had something in his mouth - he had found the remainder of a bag of chocolate sultanas in my backpack (under the stairs) and had sampled them. He is taller, and more persistent, and finds and investigates bags!! At least he does tell me what he is going, and mostly listens. However, we are getting more two year old tantrums.

That's all for now - I am a bit tired and the only photos I have taken lately are on the new telephone, and I don't know how to download them Keep well!

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