Well, David's statistics from age 2 years and one week, are that he was 89 cms tall, weighed 14kgs and with a head circumfrance of 49. He was 3 cms taller and 1.5kgs heavier than Katie (who is one week older).
He is taller, heavier and more mature. He is turning into a really nice person - he is very caring and mostly polite, and listens well. We just got back from a weekend in Melbourne visiting the grandparents, and David was remarkably good. (We didn't take a single photo) Grandad is getting very frail, and David was very gentle with him, and careful to be quiet when Grandad fell asleep in the chair. Nanna and David made Gingerbread men, which was lots of fun. I got him his own rolling pin to use on some dough, and he was careful and gentle with the biscuit cutter. He could hardly wait for them to come out of the oven, and we had to convince him to wait until they cooled. It was funny to be all sitting at the table, blowing on hot biscuits to cool them quicker!
He enjoyed the idea of the gingerbread men more than the taste, I think. He liked to make them dance, but cried when they broke! He didn't like the M&Ms we used as buttons, so next time I will just stick to sultanas for eyes and buttons.
Uncle David is still the best - he has a toolshed, a leaf blower, jack, two Triumph sedans being restored, screwdrivers, not to mention soldering irons and used the lawnmower again. David could turn into a David groupie. Uncle David was very nice and let David sit in his almost complete Triumph - and David was very careful! We got him out to see the car being jacked up, but David would have liked to have played for longer.
We also went to a fabulous fete at Auntie Gaye's school and David visited Santa's cave, the petting zoo, the huge bookstall (20 books for $10) and went on two rides - whirling teacups (without too much whirling for us) and the Thomas Train ride. He is getting very good at walking everywhere rather than using the pram. eHe even walked most of the way in the airport. That is just as well, because he is too heavy to carry far.
That's all for now folks!
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