Well, there are a lot of photos from the new camera, and where to start? I am going to start with a couple that I liked from Christmas.
We spent Christmas in Melbourne with the Haselhurst clan. Cold for Christmas, (David wore his spiderman rubber boots and Matthew carried his new umbrella everywhere) but it warmed up to 37C the day we left. Hurray for taking two wardrobes! David had a lovely Christmas - playing with the cousins Matthew and Evan and seeing all the relatives. We drove down, leaving on Saturday 22 December after I finished up work on Thrusday and Paul got back from Townsville on Friday. We bought a new portable DVD player for the car, and managed it in a day, even when leaving late. David was restless, but slept a little, and watched lots of DVDs, like Toy Story and Toy Story 2.

The Photo incorporates two aspects of Christmas - David's new Buzz Lightyear toy, that he got from Mum & Dad, and his Buzz pyjamas. It also shows one of his loves at Christmas; playing in the suitcase. It made packing hard because David was always emptying the suitcase and climbing in. It is his car or plane, and he fastens his seatbelt.
We put up Christmas decorations in Sydney - lots of garlands and greenery and decorations on the stairs, but only put the Christmas tree up when we got to Nanna and Grandad's house, on Sunday 23 December. David and Mum and Nanna all worked on it together and had a good time, and we put it in the front window where it caught the light.
On Christmas day, David opened his stocking up for the presents from Santa first thing in the morning. Then we had the majority of presents, from under the tree with Mum and Dad and the grandparents later in the morning. Then we went to Aunty Gaye & Uncle David's house for Christmas lunch, and he got a few more presents. There were more on Boxing Day and a few more purchases or presents sprinkled throughout the week. By the end of the holiday, David was just asking about presents whenever he saw someone new, or went out, on the basis that he usually got something! Lots of small matchbox or similar cars trucks and similar items, as well as clothes, pyjamas, Cars backpack (or schoolbag), water bottle, barrel of monkeys and of course Buzz and Spiderman Mr Potato Head.

Even now (in March) he still really likes a model 30's Chevrolet vintage car we bought in Moonee Ponds, which he chose himself from a car and cigar shop. The doors open backwards and the dickey seat opens.
Reg was very quiet and tired for most of the holiday, but enjoyed David, and David enjoyed showing him things, and helping operate grandad's chair. David was very gentle with him, and very cautious when grandad was asleep, so as not to wake him.
David was out of the highchair on this trip and sitting having dinner with us all at the table. Generally he was sitting between grandad at his new chair, and me. One night we had takeaway roast chicken, and chips. Well, David discovered chips (in a big way). He had a few on his plate, with the rest of his dinner. He ate those, saying "chippies" over and over and then happily stole the majority of mine, off my plate and then stole grandad's chips. Chippies is a new favourite. We suspect that he has been trying a few somewhere else recently, because when I tried him with them months previously he said he didn't like them!
That is all for now. I will try to cover more territory chronologically in the next little while.
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