Saturday, March 22, 2008

David and the gun and the motor bike

Well, boys are boys, and David is a boy. It is amazing what kids seem to pick up by osmosis (compared with say, learning to brush their teeth, which seems to take years). This is David's first gun, photo taken 14 January 2008. We were at Paul's cousin Debbie's house for a bbq, and Debbie brought out a box of Duplo. Guess what David found in the box? Yes, a gun. No idea about the trigger, but able to point it and say bang very loudly. I was shot, and so was Daddy and most of the family. He didn't want to let it go!

Subsequently, when staying at Grif and Mac's house in February, David and the boys found a noisy gun in the toys in the garage. That was a large sub-machine gun type with sound effects. Kel didn't even know it was there. Heaven on a stick. Even now, we can be driving down the road in the car and David will say "Grif and Mac have a gun." "Where are Grif and Mac?" "I want to go to Grif and Mac's house." (I wonder why?)

Lots of things are now guns - sticks, bits of pipe off my bke handle bars, a bike pump, a caulking gun, anything really. If there is no gun, then David uses his Buzz Lightyear laser instead.

Liam was given swords (made of soft foam) for his birthday this month. He loves them and so do David and Katie. Remember Oscar Wilde "yet each man kills the thing he loves"? Well, two-year olds love shooting stabbing and killing those that they love, a lot! Over and over again! With much love and affection and no malice at all.
The second photo is also at cousin Debbie's house - with her son's trail bike. As David said "Better than a forklift!" His cousin turned it on for David, but the engine was a bit loud for him. He does like sitting on it though!

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