Well, David is now two months old. He weighed 4.5kgs as at Wednesday 23 November. Extremely hard to believe that it is now two months since the birth. David is progressing well and due to have his next lot of immunisation injections tomorrow. Hopefully it will go without any problems. The GP has suggested injecting him in his buttock as he has long lean legs (generally the injections are given in the thigh).
David is developing every day. Most of the developments are not noticeable unless you area parent or spend a great deal of time with him. For example, David is now blowing bubbles.
More interestingly, he is paying more attention to his toys and everything else. When David goes out in his pram, he has pram toys - a rattle shaped like a teddy, a small soft teddy and the white mouse (doudou). Now David reacts to them all quite strongly, and often moves them around in the pram, or falls asleep hugging them.
David is also very vocal - making lots of new sounds every day, and imitating us. He also reacts very strongly to new sounds - and we have been rolling our "rrr"s at him for the last few days. Today he was working on imitating the rolling "rrrr"s. He often imitates Paul's intonation, even if he can't get any words out yet.
David wakes up happy and smiling and is basically happy if there is nothing bothering him. He is sleeping more again, after having almost a week of only having catnaps during the day. Interesting to see if he is growing more. Last night he slept for 5 hours and then went back to sleep after the feed for another 2 hours. Much better than the 4 hour (in total) nights earlier in the week!!