David is extremely lucky and has three lovely grandparents, Reg, Josie and Jan. They all think that David is wonderful, very clever and very advanced for his age! Also, that David is beautiful (how could anyone disagree?).

So far, David's Nana (Josie) has made him beautiful crocheted pram rugs and muslin/gauze wraps and knitted caps and cardigans for him. His gran (Jan) has also made him lots of lovely things, such as embroided sheets and pillow slips and lovely quilts.
Jan arrived in Sydney the day that David was born and stayed to help his parents for five weeks.

Jan had a lovely time and got to see David both at his perfect best, and when he is grumpy. We all love going for walks, including David. David slept through all of his walks up to the age of six weeks - the best settling routine ever! The photos of David and Jan were taken when David was three and five weeks of age respectively. You may have difficulty seeing David in the shot outside in the pram, but rest assured that he is in fact hiding in the pram, out of the sun.

Nanna and Pop (Reg) met David when he was almost 6 weeks old, on 30 October 2005 on his first trip away, to Melbourne. David handled the trip in the car from Sydney to Melbourne (and return) with great aplomb - did I mention that he is very advanced for his age?

These photos were taken during his stay in Melbourne, and at 6 weeks of age. The photo of David and his Pop is a photo of the oldest and youngest Haselhursts getting to know each other.