Monday, November 14, 2005

More about David - six weeks plus

Well, we arrived back in Sydney on Thursday 10 November. After being very tired (like his parents) on reaching home, and having a day recouperating, David has recovered well after the excitement of visiting another State and meeting lots of family for the first time. The photo of David resting on Paul's arm is showing how satisfying it can be to recover from travelling - and how a new position can be just perfect. On Saturday afternoon, this was the only position David felt was comfortable!

We should note a major milestone - David slept through the night for the first time at exactly 6 weeks, on Tuesday 8 November - which means 7 hours straight! While it hasn't been repeated, David has slept for 5 hours on a few nights and is having more short naps during the day. David is getting bigger and longer. David is also getting more interesting - more definite in his reactions, bigger smiles, lots of kicking, (particularly when happy or excited) and he is showing signs of being ticklish. David also has more co-ordination in his arms - he waves and bashes away and rings the bells in his toys more strongly every day, so it is intentional, just not yet smooth and controlled.

On the weekend, David received a parcel (after we pressed Australia Post they found the parcel) containing a new puppy soft toy from the Robert family in Perth - and this is a photo of David, on his changing pad, "monstering" the puppy, and then deciding that he liked to nuzzle him. It was remarkable just how excited he was to see the puppy - he knew that it was new and reacted to the puppy's softness. Lots of fun.

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