Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Quick update at seven weeks

This is just a quick note - David was weighed today and is now 4.450kgs, clothed weight. This has increased from 3.680CW on 20 October 2005.

He is progressing well (as you can see from the other photos). While we don't really notice it, because we see him every day, it is noticeable that he is also getting longer. David is wearing the Safari suit again today, as we have had a cool change in Sydney (max temp 21C) and his legs now stick out the bottom of the suit! His legs are still slender though.

I wish I could say that he is sleeping through the night, but he isn't. On the bright side though, he is generally sleeping for at least 4 hours at a stretch. He is also generally happy, and we haven't had any more screaming fit days, so it is all good!

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