Well, what a lot happened to finish 2005. On 21 December 2005, Mum Dad & I went to Western Australia for Christmas and New Year, to spend time with family and Mum & Dad's friends. I was very excited to be going on my first aeroplane trip - and a five hour trip at that - but I decided to be very calm and co-operative. I figure that that way, I will get to travel more. We all got up very early - I decided to get Mum up to feed me even before the alarm went off, so we got to the airport nice and early, and I had a bassinet to sleep in on the 'plane. Well, it all went according to plan. I checked out the Qantas lounge at Sydney airport. Quite nice really, but I will have to try the catering some other time. I practiced my cute and adorable smile and squirm on the trip over and all the Qantas air stewards thought that I was very wonderful. It never hurts to build good will. I heard Mum say that I was perfect! I did have three dirty nappies though - one on takeoff, one at mealtimes and one as the plane was landing.
When we finally got to Wagin, I saw Gran again. She noticed that I had grown lots. She still thinks that I am wonderful. I also met my uncle Stephen. He wasn't sure quite what to make of me, particularly when I wriggle. He did nurse me later on, and I was very good. I met lots of Gran's friends. Apparently, Gran has been talking about me. I don't want to sound as though I am boasting, but all her friends think that I am wonderful and practically perfect.

These are photos of me enjoying my stay in Wagin. I saw chooks for the first time. Gran put a brand new baby chick in my pram on Christmas Eve - it had just been born. It was the first time I had met anyone younger than me. I also met my first cat, Uncle Steve's cat Ted. I managed to scare him off just by moving. He was different to look at - bigger than me for a start.
Well, I went for walks in the pram into town and for walks around the garden to look at the trees and the birds with Mum or Dad. Every morning the Dawn Chorus by the local birds woke me up for early breakfast, at approximately 5.00am, just before dawn. I didn't know that birds could be that noisy as well as fun. There are at least 5 kinds of wild bird in Gran's garden. Some of them catch flies and mosquitos under the shadecloth on the pergola outside my bedroom and feed their babies.
I am sleeping in my Mum's old bed. It is a bed, not a cot and I feel really grown up. It has high sides so I can't fall out and Gran had it repainted just for me. It is nice and cool to sleep in.

Mum and Dad and I had lots of time to relax in Wagin and unwind after a busy three months with me. I decided to feed lots and lots, which is what Christmas is about after all. I am getting bigger, especially in my arms and legs and Gran says it is all due to the wonderful Wagin fresh air. Christmas was fun & I received some lovely presents. Lovely clothes and a hat, bunny rugs, a book about a cat and toys. (I also had duplo blocks from Aunty Gaye & David and beginner blocks from Nana and Pop, but I left them at home. I got some big yellow trucks from Uncle Steve (a haulpak, grader and front end loader) which I can grow into and play with later.
We went to see Lake Norring outside Wagin, which is full again after the wet winter. It is a salt lake, and apparently was last this full over 10 years ago. The sailing and powerboats are back on the lake again this year. We all also went for a trip to Lake Dumbleyung on another day - where Douglas Campbell broke the land speed record when it was a dry salt pan. As you can see from the photo, it is full again now - over 11 kms long and at least 3 kms wide. The whole chain of lakes is full again, with lots of boating and skiing happening. We went up to Pussycat Hill to see the view, but I stayed asleep in the car, with Gran. It was a bit hot for me, and the flies were out and about.

Well that is all from me. I will ask Mum to update everyone about the rest of our trip.