Well, it is the middle of January already. I saw Easter eggs and chocolates in the supermarket this week (already!!) so the year is officially underway.
I went to the Early Childhood Centre on Tuesday 10 January and weighed David. We were right and he has put on weight. He was 6.1kgs clothed weight, so a substantial gain from 5.1kgs on 13 December. David has really filled out. He is also feeding more in the day, and having only one feed at night. Mostly that is between 10.30 to 12.00am, but he varied that recently with waking for a feed at 4.00am on 3 days running. Last night we let him sleep and he woke to feed at 1.00am and then slept to 6.50am. I think that a lot of this is due to him still not being in a good routine and the heat.
The weather in Sydney remains humid and sultry. Since we have been back from perth the weather has not reached the heights of New Year's Day (which was 44) but consistently been in the high 20sC to around 30C, but overcast and with rain or rain threatening. The forecast is for the next week to be between 24C and 29C and with showers or thunderstorms every day. David does feel the heat, so we have been handling that by sponging him with a damp cloth to keep him cool and I have been giving him small regular drinks of boiled water. He really enjoys the water.
David has been bitten by mosquitos on a couple of occasions at night. They haven't been bothering us, but obviously prefer David's tender flesh. We have been using a Mortein mozzie zapper thing, but it is insecticide, which was worrying me somewhat. So, I bought a mosquito net for David's bed, which we installed yesterday with a small hook in the ceiling. David slept happily under it last night, so we have labelled it a success. We are also using an electric fan in his room at night. Mostly, I am happy if the temperature in his room drops to 25C at night - often it is still around 27C at 10.30pm.
Nadia dropped by to see David and brought a marvellous hand knitted West Coast Eagles supporter which she and George bought for David in Melbourne when they were there for the HISTORIC Swans v West Coast AFL Grand Final. You can see it in the photo of David's cot. It is bigger than David! Nadia said that there is a lady who knits the supporters in all the team colours and sells them to raise money for charity at the Prahan markets. Excellent! We can't tell yet which team David will support (or if it will be the Socceroos instead) but rest assured that David also has a soft Swans footie in red and white.
We were visited on Tuesday 11 January by Mark H and his wife Marine, in transit between Perth and their home base in London. Wonderful to see them both after almost 2 years, as we couldn't get to France for their wedding in late 2004. They are both well and Marine is expecting a baby in June this year, so they were particularly interested in how an (almost perfect) three month baby behaves. Mark will be in Africa for a few more months and then back to London to wait for the baby's arrival.

We have also had visits from Jay, Gael and Leah, who have been in Sydney for a long weekend - Jay for work and Gael and Leah to have a small holiday. David is almost used to being nursed by Auntie Leah and GAG (Great Aunt Gael) as he also saw them twice in Perth.
After this week we should almost be back to normal and able to get back into routine, with no visitors.
We have now got SKYPE up and running on the PC, and a new video camera for videoconferencing calls. SKYPE allows free voice or video calls over the internet between connected PCs which are on broadband. It also allows text messaging as well. Great for international telephone calls. We spoke to Mark H in Cote Ivoire last night and he was very very clear - a bit of a delay, but still nice and easy to have a conversation. No charge. SKYPE is the buzzword of the moment with Mark, another friend in Perth and Paul's work all using or recommending SKYPE. It was also discussed on the radio yesterday, but just BEFORE we got into the car. Another good reason not to buy shares in Telstra. Paul will take a camera to Melbourne next trip to try to get Gaye and David's PC connected for video calls. If that works, we will really be in business! I will keep you all posted as to whether (and how well) it works.
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