Sunday, January 22, 2006

Playing and exercising

Well David is getting stronger, and with that, more active. We have got him a play gym (see photo) of with Sesame Street Characters which he loves. It is the simple, old fashioned kind, like the one that Lindon had, and the one at the Early Childhood Centre. David had it all worked out in about two hours. David loves grabbing the hanging figures with his hands and feet and hitting the spinning toys on the sidebars. He moves around under the gym a lot, and pushes and moves it with his feet, so we have to keep moving it around. David is also rolling onto his side to face the side bars and play, which is new. He is also now playing much more with the toy panel tied to the side of his crib (you can see it in the earlier blog photo of David's cot with the mosquito net).

It is probably related to either the increased activity or another growth spurt that David seems to be more hungry and is feeding more. He is looking for milk every two hours during the day. He has also re-introduced the early morning feed at approx 3.30 to 4.00am, then sleeping through until breakfast at around 8.00am. As this is in addition to the late feed (sometime between 10.30 to 12.00am) I am getting very tired again. On hot days (like yesterday and today) David doesn't sleep much during the day, so he needs to be entertained as well. As I am not getting the opportunity to express milk to have in reserve to supplement the 6.00 to 7.00pm feed, we are having difficulties with a hungry baby, who won't settle to sleep. So, we have now supplemented David with a formula feed on two nights. He seems to be taking to it like a duck to water. As yet, he seems to be just as enthusiastic about breast feeding as before, so hopefully no problems!

This is a photo of David sitting on Paul's shoulder, looking in the mirror. It is the first time Paul tried this and David is hanging onto Dad's hair very tightly. He seemed to really enjoy being that high and was very comfortable.

The next two photos were taken on Sunday 22 Janaury at the reunion for our Antenatal classes. It was a hot day and we had a catch up for morning tea under the paperbark trees in Centennial Park. It was beautiful and cool, with a lovely breeze, under the trees. I think that the weather discouraged a few from joining in, but we really enjoyed catching up with Josiah and Harrison and their parents. This is a photo of Maureen, who took the classes, trying to stop David from running away (just joking). The next photo shows a face off between Harrison and Josiah - I think that it was a draw!

I was so impressed by the coolness under the trees that I went into Callan Park today with David and we sat on the long grass under some Port Jackson figs in the breeze. It was still hot, with lots of noise from the cicadas, but a change from being in the house, and probably a bit cooler. It was different for David to see the sun through the leaves. He had a play and then went off to sleep for half an hour. Bonus!

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