Saturday, January 07, 2006

David has been making progress

David is getting on marvelously. Most exciting first - he is now rolling from his front onto his back. As you would know from earlier reports, David had "secretly" rolled at least twice - no-one had seen him do it. However, on Christmas morning, on his change pad, while getting his back massaged with cream, he rolled, easily and quickly. Then he repeated it. David was a pleased as punch and very proud of it, too! He has been rolling on and off ever since. He has a lovely strong back and neck and arches his back quite high when on his face. it was interesting that he had been frustrated the day or two before when on his tummy - Gran thinks that is because he was trying to roll, but not quite succeeding. So, that is almost exactly at 3 months of age (from 27 September).

David was marvelous on the trip away - he was very social and interested in everything and everyone. On the aeroplane from Sydney to Perth, he sat up in his Baby Bjorn on Dad's chest and watched everyone board the plane, and then charmed the flight stewards (male & female). On the return flight, after charming people at check-in, the security screening and the Qantas lounge, he had a play on the ground in the Qantas lounge, and fed on takeoff. About a half hour after takeoff, he went to sleep and slept until we woke him up when the descent into Sydney began. The only time he was grizzly was before he started feeding on the descent.

We hired a Toyota Camry in Perth for two weeks and arranged for it to be fitted with a baby capsule, which David took to like a duck to water. While one of us had to sit in the back on longer or freeway trips, just to make sure he was OK and didn't get distressed, mostly it wasn't necessary. Generally, after a few minutes, David want to sleep. We did a lot of visiting - family and friends - and David saw new places and faces every day. He loved it all, and loved meeting people. David was nursed by new people every day, and seemed to love every minute of it. He was out of routine, and the three hour time difference between Perth and Sydney was certainly hard on us, but David took it all in his stride, generally falling a sleep in his pram over dinner at where ever we were at the time.

Luckily, Perth has been having its mildest summer on record. It had been cold and rainy before we arrived, but over the two weeks we were there, it was generally mild to cool, with maxima in the low to mid 20C. It was warming up as we left to return to Sydney - with one day over 30C and the day after we left up to 37C. The biggest advantage was the weather we missed in Sydney however. Christmas Day was 37C, New year's Day was 45C and the time in between was alternately stinking hot or stormy. Sweltering, and David does not cope well with the heat at the moment. We were just so grateful that we didn't have to survive the days and nights with a small baby, and no airconditioning. As a bonus, the plants in our garden have survived. This is astounding, considering that our neighbours were also away and so it was not watered after Boxing Day.

We stayed at a small apartment in South Perth, on the South Perth Esplanade, near Mends Street, and it was a fabulous location, close to the City and Freeway. I also managed to go swimming at Wesley pool, which is open to the public, at least in school holidays.

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