Tuesday, November 20, 2007

No new photos but an update

Well, David's statistics from age 2 years and one week, are that he was 89 cms tall, weighed 14kgs and with a head circumfrance of 49. He was 3 cms taller and 1.5kgs heavier than Katie (who is one week older).

He is taller, heavier and more mature. He is turning into a really nice person - he is very caring and mostly polite, and listens well. We just got back from a weekend in Melbourne visiting the grandparents, and David was remarkably good. (We didn't take a single photo) Grandad is getting very frail, and David was very gentle with him, and careful to be quiet when Grandad fell asleep in the chair. Nanna and David made Gingerbread men, which was lots of fun. I got him his own rolling pin to use on some dough, and he was careful and gentle with the biscuit cutter. He could hardly wait for them to come out of the oven, and we had to convince him to wait until they cooled. It was funny to be all sitting at the table, blowing on hot biscuits to cool them quicker!

He enjoyed the idea of the gingerbread men more than the taste, I think. He liked to make them dance, but cried when they broke! He didn't like the M&Ms we used as buttons, so next time I will just stick to sultanas for eyes and buttons.

Uncle David is still the best - he has a toolshed, a leaf blower, jack, two Triumph sedans being restored, screwdrivers, not to mention soldering irons and used the lawnmower again. David could turn into a David groupie. Uncle David was very nice and let David sit in his almost complete Triumph - and David was very careful! We got him out to see the car being jacked up, but David would have liked to have played for longer.

We also went to a fabulous fete at Auntie Gaye's school and David visited Santa's cave, the petting zoo, the huge bookstall (20 books for $10) and went on two rides - whirling teacups (without too much whirling for us) and the Thomas Train ride. He is getting very good at walking everywhere rather than using the pram. eHe even walked most of the way in the airport. That is just as well, because he is too heavy to carry far.

That's all for now folks!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

First Tuesday in November

Well, it is early November and I sit here with cold feet listening to the welcome sound of rain on the roof. It has been drizzly or raining for over a week now, and another week of the same is ahead. We went to the playground opposite Dad's office on Sunday and DAvid walked into a big puddle after the rain, under the swings - he was wet nearly to the knees, and we had to take off his shoes & socks and empty them out. Still warm on Sunday, so it was rather funny.

At least some has fallen in the agricultural areas and in the catchments - we had a bigfront come through the inland from SA bringing welcome rain. It is enough for finishing rain in WA and may be enough to save some crops in NSW. Of course we haven't used the paddler pool since the day after we bought it! Perhaps that is all it takes to break the drought - buying paddler pools!

I have today finally bought David rubber wellingtons, but I will need to exchange them for the larger size - the extra small just fits him now. He will get some wear out of them before summer though!

We are in the midst of a federal election campaign, and David can now say John Howard. For how much longer, one wonders? And today it was Melbourne Cup day, with Efficiency winning in a great race from Purple Moon and Mahler, despite NSW and Queensland being decimated with Equine Influenza. David watched it on the TV with Erin, but decidely quiet for us all.

I have added a photo of David eating a chocolate coin. You can't see it because he is eating it all, very carefully and quickly. He asks for chocolate a lot - and DVDs and books and "special treats". He had his first chocolate frog from David Haselhurst and now he gets a little choc now and again. On the weekend he rushed over to show me that he had something in his mouth - he had found the remainder of a bag of chocolate sultanas in my backpack (under the stairs) and had sampled them. He is taller, and more persistent, and finds and investigates bags!! At least he does tell me what he is going, and mostly listens. However, we are getting more two year old tantrums.

That's all for now - I am a bit tired and the only photos I have taken lately are on the new telephone, and I don't know how to download them Keep well!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

New Paddler Pool

Well, we bought a new clam shell paddler pool today - David loves it. We borrowed Katie's pool this week when it was hot, and dad thought it was great. Ours has two sides, so we can close it to cover it at night.

It is outside in the Courtyard, on the soft rubber tiles. As you can see, DAvid has worked out how to fill it up - he wanted more water in it. It has his toys from the bath in it. Dad wants to get a boat for it now!

Well done Dad and David.

Also - an update on climbing David - here he is yesterday at the playground at the Community Centre. David suddenly decided that he wanted to open the gate. He had obviously worked it out, he just needs a bit more height. He hept working on it - on the thrid attempt, he got the top catch up, he just couldn't open it while hanging on the gate. I am sure he would work it out, given a bit more time.

It sends a shiver down your backbone, mostly because he is now doing this with lots of things. He picks things up and he knows how they work. He watches everything like a hawk.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Some more photos

What more to update? Well, David's latest thing is jumping. About two weeks ago he really started jumping - lifting both feet off the ground, jumpin on the spot. After a few days of that, he started jumping off things - steps, kerbs etc. Mostly he is really good and holds my hand. He looks at me and says questioningly, "Jump?"

Last weekend, he wanted to come down the stairs, jumping instead of stepping. Well, we managed to discourage that (Mostly!). He slipped down one step this morning, but was fine because he was holding on to the balustrade with his hand. Well done David!

This weekend though it is more about climbing up on things, and depending on the height, jumping down. When I say climbing up, he now wants to climb up on fences as we walk down the street, and is starting to check out the street trees to see if he can climb them. There is a ledge at the Community Centre, on the outside wall. It starts at street level, and runs level with the foundations as the street falls away. If would be around 7cms wide, and reaches a height of probably 70cms. David wanted to climb up and walk along it on the way back from the playground today. The first two times he walked along it he held Mum's hand - but he was a "big boy" and didn't want to hold Mum's hand on the third go. Nice confidence, but we have to keep reminding him to be careful.
So, to the photos. The first is David getting ready for a Pirate Party last weekend, for Finn's second birthday. The red hat is a pirate hat. He must have kept in on for at least 3 minutes! However he did keep his sun hat on for longer at the party, so that was OK. He is wearing new shorts for hot weather (it was 32C before a change came through), and I really like them as they are light and cool.
The second photo is at the park for Natasha's birthday party, in September. Katie, David and Finn found the water fountain, and worked out how to make it splash water. Lots and lots of fun, and they all got drenched. David went home in the pram (we had walked) in a dry nappy and the spare t-shirt, because everything else, including his shoes was drenched. He splashed in the puddle right next to the fountain! A lovely time had by all, without wasting too much water.

Birthday Cake Photos

As promised in a recent blog, here are photos of David with his birthday cake. The candles spell Happy Birthday, and he blew them all out. YOu can see Katie and her mum Jo in the background helping. He loved the Buzz & Woody picture on top.

It was a lovely moist carrot/hummingbird cake, without the walnuts. I put fresh grated nutmeg in this one and it really made a difference. I had made a couple of practice cakes (always a good move) and this was the best of them - a nice fairly flat top for the icing picture. It was going to be covered in cream cheese frosting ,but the icing picture needed a flat slightly damp surface for best results, so I changed it to cinnamon butter icing, and as you can see it worked splendidly.

What's more, David, Dad & I really like the cake.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Garden Show

These are photos from our trip to the Sydney ABC Gardening Australia Garden Show. Because it was an ABC show, there was a booth for ABC Kids. There David found characters Fifi and Bumble from the show Fifi and the Flowertots.

He wanted to cuddle Fifi and Bumble a LOT. He ran to them several time and we followed them around a bit. They were great and very welcoming to all the children. Considering that I wasn 't aware that he had even seen the show, it was a very strong reaction. It appears that he has seen two partial episodes on tv when Nanna Jan was visiting. David is the one in the green t-shirt.
I have also attached a photo of David having a great time on a ride on mower. He has seen them in action in the parks. I had been keeping him off all the equipment, with success, and then we found another unmanned display inside, and with several children (considerably older) already on playing on the equipment. If you can't beat them, join them!
We also had a nice time in the park outside the show, which was held at Olympic Park - lots of playequipment and grass to run on near the fountain made from the old Olympic flame holder.

Monorail Trip

Well these are photos from David's first trip on the Sydney monorail. in August 2007. He liked being up high & seeing all the buildings & traffic and Darling Harbour from up high. He loved the way that the doors beeped before they opened or closed.

Second Birthday!

Well, I sit here again with another cold / flu but I am updating the blog (rather than the other pressing things that I should be doing).

So much has happened, and most recently, David's second birthday. He is fabulous - and now, when asked, says "I'm Two". The celebrations started early. The Friday before his birthday, he went to the zoo with Katie and her parents. He had a fabulous time, and really enjoyed seeing the elephants.

On Saturday 22 September we went to the Haselhursts for David Haselhurst's (the elder) birthday which is a week before David's (the younger). Lots of fun seeing the cousins David, Annie, Patrick, (and Declan & Laura) and Nada, Richard and Monty. David had his first chocalate frog from David H, and really liked it - better than cake. He ate it very neatly, too! There was a big birthday cake for Declan and David Haselhurst, and young David had a practice blow out of the candles, in anticipation of his birthday. Good to see family and good to see how much Monty has grown.

David's birthday was really spreadout over a week - he got his present from Erin (a Curious George plush monkey) on Monday, when Katie got her present. He loves George.

Dad was home for his birthday morning, and we both went in and sang "Happy Birthday" to him in his cot. Then he got some of his presents - Cars (Lightning McQueen, Mater and a tipping tractor), Clothes (shorts from Nanna Jan & Uncle Steve, and a tshirt from us), Books and DVD (Toy Story from Nanna & Steve). On his birthday, which was a beautiful day, he went to the park with Erin and met Liam (and Zoe, Liam's nanny). He came home in the early afternoon and had a bath to get the dirt off and then had a big sleep. Because Dad was away down in Melbourne that night, we didn't do much. Friday morning, we had 4 other toddlers over from Mother's Group for a birthday cake and party. I had put the birthday banner up on Wednesday for his birthday, and I put up balloons on Thursday night for the Mother's Group party. David was very excited in the morning and really enjoyed his party and presents. He was very well mannered, and shared very well. We tried to keep his new presents separate as he was still possessive of the new things. I had made a big carrot cake and iced it with a Buzz & Woody picture (Toy Story). We had Happy Birthday candles, sang Happy Birthday and David blew them out . It is just amazing what you can buy at Coles.

Dad was home on Friday night (with the flu) and on Saturday we gave him his present from Nanna Josie and Grandad - Toy Story Woody and Jessie (pull string dolls). We also had the family over for a morning tea party - Uncle David & Auntie Gaye, Cousins Elizabeth, Michael, Jennifer, Matthew and Evan. Lots of fun for all and more presents.

When they left, David had a sleep and we watched the AFL grand final - Geelong won it at a canter.

Sunday morning I took him out for a long, long three hour walk, to let Daddy have some quiet time with the flu. Two playgrounds later, we came home for lunch and David was exhausted (after 3 big days) and slept the whole afternoon. Paul felt lousy.

Monday was a public holiday and a quiet day for us all, but we did get out for a walk. David is fine, but Paul & my cough had really set in by Monday. Lots of fun, as David didn't want to sit in the pram, but wanted to walk everywhere but home, and then lunch and then a sleep.

So that is probably enough for now. I will add photos later.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Long time no write

Well, I just spent half an hour writing a blog - and it got lost when my network connection failed. Too tired and too sick to repeat it. Sorry that I haven't been leaving anything lately, but as (lost blog) I already wrote, I have pretty much been sick for the last two months.
Enjoy the photos.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The last week or so

I have attached a photo of David wearing his Swannies hat - we have had cold weather finally and he wore it for at least 20 minutes!!! He is off for a walk on Saturday with his Dad. He also loves his bomber jacket, but I need to take a photo of him wearing it. David loves going for a walk with me first thing in the morning (to geta coffe at Gerry's up the road) or just around the street, in that half hour after Dad leaves and before Erin and Katie arrive.
He also likes going for walk last thing at night, which is in the dark by now. We cross the road (being very, very careful of cars) and go down to the corner, then cross the road again and come back up the hill. Then it is bottle, books and bed. If he is lucky, he also strikes John next door getting home at night or packing up in the morning - he then gets to look in John's van, touch a few things and say hello to John (and Carol and April the dog). Lately he looks like he wants to march into their home. He particularly likes their chinese spear carrying warrior (soldier) just inside the front door. He is also on a first name basis with Danny next door.
Well, on a topic that is starting to become fashionable at the Mothers' group - potties and potty training. All the toddlers are becoming interested in the next stage!

We have discussed this with the nanny, and she says not to start anytime soon - until David is closer to three years of age. He needs to be able to control his bodily functions, and be able to get out of bed and go if necessary - which won't happen while he is in the cot! Also, once we start, we must continue, so we won't start now.

The reason for the discussions is that over the last few months, David has become very interested in what happens when we go to the toilet, particularly Paul. In April, David became very interested in his potty chair - he wanted it out of the wardrobe and wanted to sit on it. Great for familiarisation and to prevent him being scared. On Anzac Day he wanted his trousers and nappy off, to sit on it, and he did his first wee in the potty. Over the last month he has waxed and waned in his interest. He definitely knows what it is for and we let him sit on it any time he asks to, but we don't force him. This Monday he did another wee, and this time he helped flush the toilet (he pushed the button). There have been a few false starts too (that is, nothing produced), but we are just going with it at the moment.

Lots more words and using more strings of words. Erin says that she has also heard him using the definite article (the) so that is interesting. Erin has also said that he is now saying the days of the week (Katie comes on Tuesday and Wednesday, Erin says bye on Thursday, and that she will see him on Monday). David says he likes Saturday best - we think that is because both Mum and Dad are around on Saturday!

I made David a book by filling up an exercise book with lots of pictures from magazines and newspapers - different pictures like flowers, tools, cars, bikes, sharks, scenery and whatever else I could find. It has his name in the front and he really likes it. After a few days he is able to point at lots of things and use their names.

He loves seeing Katie - last Friday we went to the local Playgroup Fun Day for the region and he loves seeing Katie (with her mum) as well as some of the other Mothers' Group babies at the ground. It was a beautiful day, and David patted a snake and a baby crocodile and saw an Australian Bearded Dragon which was climbing over the handler's shirt. He also saw ducks, chicks and rabbits from outside the petting zoo, but didn't have the patience to wait to go inside. We danced to the music and played in the dirt. BUT most importantly, David rode on the model train at least 5 times (with Mum). The train engine was blue like Gordon and there were several open mini carriages. The driver was dressed up like a traditional engine driver. David also had a couple of very short goes on the jumping castle, but again mainly seems to enjoy getting on and off.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Another catch up

So, where to start? I am trying to go back and fill in for the lost month. This is a photo of David helping with the vacuuming in late April. He loves the vacuum (he can say it, and make the noise) and will sometimes get out the hose & fittings from the garage.

On 20 March 2007 (as near to 18ths as you like) David had a check up at the nurse at the Chemist. He weighed 12.56kgs (dwt )with head circumferance of 49.5cms and length 82 cms (lying down). She gave him a check up for 18mths and he was on schedule. In language and understanding (following instructions) she thought that he was advanced for his age. This, while pleasing, comes with a warning - Yes! He is starting the two-year-old tantrums early! So, we have to be careful to keep routine and discipline strong and consistent, and cater for him being intelligent. Well, we already knew that, and it has continued to be the case.

Today we had a bit of a tantrum. David and Dad had been for a lovely walk, returning with coffee for Mum and Auntie Carolyn, who has been staying this weekend. He was running around, and followed us into the garage, where we were trying to take the washing off the line. He then insistently asked to get into the car and play. I was also trying to cook eggs for breakfast and get his weekbix and toast ready. I will give him credit for even remembering to try "please". Unfortunately, he did not take well to not being able to play in the car, or to being eventually removed from the garage. He worked himself up to a full crying fit. Dad took him out to sit on the front door step, to look at things. Then I took over for a while. He eventually got calmer, then just a bit "proppy". He did eventually get into his high chair and have toast. The tantrum would have lasted for over 15 mins. He was clearly both tired and hungry (but not excessively). Anyway, we continue on.

David also got his molars in April - cutting them around18 April. He had been a bit grizzly and miserable before that, for weeks, and it really wasn't clear whether it was teeth or the whole tired / tantrum thing. Then he cut 4 molars within a couple of days. They are coming through but have been slower than the ordinary teeth. He moved straight onto his canines. We noticed more of the biting again - biting everything, and when frustrated biting himself on the arm and sometimes biting me too. Mind you, often he bites me when he is really happy and excited - too much emotion.

I also took him to the Early Childhood Centre for another formal 18 mth check up and to ask about the biting. The nurse there also thought that he was doing really well, and talking and walking well. The consensus view (she rang me back) is that while the biting is definitely related and more common while he is teething, it is a pre-verbal way of dealing with frustration. It is apparent to me that he gets release from biting himself, and that is apparently healthy, and better than bottling it up. As his speech improves, it should diminish and it should disappear by the time he is three years old. In fact, it had improved after he got the teeth and has been a lot better the last couple of weeks. We have tips on how to deal with it, more of how we are dealing with it now. Mostly, he is clearly a bit better after he does bite his arm, and will then say "biting" and will kiss his arm better.

On the whole though, David is marvelous and very happy. He really is into all manner of boys things - tools (screwdrivers), vehicles (trucks, vans, trains, tip trucks, rubbish trucks, buses etc), running, gutters, bikes, scooters, the sandpit, and books (and more books and even more books). We all think he is marvelous, and getting more interesting every day.

A few more things

A few more quick things.

Lots more words. Paul reminded me of lots of words that I didn't include in the last blog, and there are lots of new ones.... Mountain, fountain, restaurant, skateboard, castle,

And a few nice little things. We sing "Old MacDonald had a farm" and David always chooses Cow. Always. So, for a little variety, Mum and Dad also have turns. When it is our turn we choose something else (sheep, tractor, cat, pig) and sometimes David does the noises. When it is his turn, he says "ei ei o" and "Cow". Very very cute, as he gives us a big smile when he does it. He also likes "dingly dangly scarecrow", incy wincy spider, hey diddle diddle, There was a crooked man, twinkle twinkle little star and other well known songs.

We went on a bouncy castle yesterday at the local markets. Itis there every Saturday, and lots of kids are on board. This is about the third time David has been on it. The first time was a non-starter, the second time he just went on the edge for a little while. This time he went on further and stayed longer. He gets on and off several times, but seems to be enjoying it more. He got knocked by a bigger boy this time, so I got on to comfort him. David was fine after a minute or so, and stayed on. When you are just sitting, and not bouncing it can make you feel sea sick, so I now understand why he wants to get off and then back on.
Auntie Carolyn has been visiting for a weekend, while in Sydney for work. We have been having a lovely time. Carolyn has been reading David books, and generally being nice to him. David has made up his mind and he likes Carolyn and is attempting versions of her name - Karen, Carol, and finally (mostly) Carolyn. We went out to the local Italian restaurant last night, and David was very good for almost 2 hours, with only 2 biggish walks (to the street corner) to get the fidgets out.
He also ate some of our pizza, and enjoyed it. Progress!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Well, I am trying to make up for the "lost" blogs - the ones that I haven't posted because I have been working too many hours. Also, the last blog that I did construct, late one night, didn't save due to a lost connection or some other web glitch. Not happy with that.

However, back to David's vocabulary. It is interesting to me that over the last couple of weeks, he seems to be really racing along. He masters names really well now,and knows his own name and will answer when you ask him "What's your name?" David. He taps his chest ans says that he is a "boy" and knows that Katie is a "girl". He also calls other people "men" and "ladies" and sometimes "women" not just mummies and daddies. Katie's mum and dad are now getting their own names.

He knows Matthew, Jenny and Michael are his cousins, and he really enjoyed visiting Matthew two weeks ago. The attached photos show that they really do seem to recognise each other and get on well.

He listens really well, and talks back to you, in ways that show that he is really thinking about some of the things we speak about. He is also using verbs and strings of words to communicate actions ideas or stories. So, some examples (imagine the words with a pause between them):

"Road, careful, cars" - (that is because I have been telling him that he has to be very careful on the road because of cars) Also with "cross", meaning we should cross the road. He says "corner" when we get close to the corner, mostly because I take him for short walks in the morning and evening and we stop or turn at the corner.

"Book" and "Read it" when he picks up a book and wants me to read it to him. He also says "one" for one book more to delay going to bed.

There are also fairly straightforward orders "open" or "close" for doors, gates etc. "Open is also used to mean to open or move to the next page in a book. "Get down" "off" generally for clothes or when he wants to do things himself. Also "up" and "down", but he often doesn't mean it.

"Shaun" "guitar" and "scooter" to refer to a visit to friends of ours, whose son Shaun played with David, and showed David his electric and acoustic guitar, and let David ride on his scooter - pretty much hog heaven! David refers to Shaun when he hears music on the radio with guitars, or sees photos or TV with guitars. For the first couple of days after the visit, it was the first thing he said to me in the mornings when I went in to get him up.

David has one word names for all his (many) books - so "Wocket in my pocket" is "pocket" and "In a people house" is "people" and "Uno's Garden" is "Uno" and so on. He identifies things in the books and pages, but often not what I expect. He likes squirrels, so I pointed to a squirrel and David says "eating" and I look, and the squirrel is eating a nut.

David is getting interested in what is happening - so he says "sad" for the pictures where the character is sad, or crying and happy at other times. He also says "sharing" for when the characters share their boots, or "friend" in the Gossie and Gertie book where they are best friends.

There are so many other words, lots repeated from the books. I will list a few that come to mind now:

scissors, beetle, spider, web, scoop, cake, wait(ing), turtle, panda, monkey, shower, key, door, stairs, vacuum, broom, pasta, pizza, ticket, string, bridge, wood, bear, blanket, bottle, water, gate, walk, running (just before he starts running), corner, van, stuck, truck, bin, rubbish, cement mixer (he has a toy one), squirrel, turkey, goat, duck, bird, hippo, lion, elephant, giraffe, rabbit, horsy, fish, dolphin, dog, barking, crying, window, hands (for wash my hands), help me, helmet (now much better than ma-mut), brush, makeup, toothbrush, koala, cow, mouse, sheep, cat, dog, beagle, owl, kiss, cuddle, bite and biting, push, carry (for carry me), cleaning (when he tries to do it), pick up, put back, wave, clapping, bye, hi, morning (for good morning), more and no more, please, ta, screw driver, saw, hammer, bang, work, zoo, circus, train, car, wheel, bus, cutting, bath, hot, warm, cold, rough, smooth, now, Tuesday, silly, nice, good, manners, stop, dirty, messy, washing, bike, baby, pram, bath, tree, flower, nappy, towel, teatowel, bed, sheet, pillow, moon, sunny, rain, windy, wet, slippery, button (for light switches and clothing), new, dish ........

and that is about all I can manage at the the moment!

I will just finish with parts of the body - body, head, hair, ear, eye, eyebrow, arm, finger, ankle, leg, foot, toe, knee, tum, button (for belly button), cheek, chin, sometimes elbow

Visit to the Aquarium

Well, last Friday, 3 May 2007 David & I went to the Sydney Aquarium, on a beautiful sunny day. We went into Darling Harbour on the Light Rail and walked across the Pyrmont Bridge, and David watched the man in the automated platform (like a smaller, more compact and motorised cherry picker) changing all the flags on the flagpoles on the Bridge. Lots of flag poles and lots of flags - he was starting at 9.30am and still working on them (in a 2 man team by that stage) when we were going home at 12.30pm. Lots of up and down, with the platform beeping as it descends, just like a reversing truck. We also saw a man dressed as a pirate on the way into the Acquarium - he gave David a high five. With any outing, David enjoys seeing all the people as much as any of the attractions. He really enjoyed chatting to the people on the Light Rail, both going into the City and returning.

I have included a photo of David looking at his favourite sharks.

It is David's second visit to the Aquarium, but my first. A really good trip - I was particularly impressed by the Murray/Darling River section with Murray cod and platypus, and the Barrier Reef section right at the end. The seals and sea lions were good, as was the oceanarium (with the big sharks!).

David had lots of fun running around in the walkways - luckily it wasn't too busy on a Friday morning. Once we were home he finally fell asleep and slept for over 3 hours, which gave me the opportunity to catch up on some work.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


So, after a long drought, here we are again for an update.

Teeth - David has 4 molars, and has cut his canine teeth too. This has gone reasonably well, without major issues (just lots of minor grumpiness).

Words - David has lots of new words. I lost a post several weeks ago where I tried to list his words. He has just had a vocabulary explosion - repeats all sorts of words that he hears, and works really hard on getting the diction right. He keeps saying a word, until you acknowledge it (and get it right). And he has a great memory. Erin thought that he was being a bit silly on Thursday - he was saying "Gracie, Barking". Erin thought that he meant Gracie (and Liam) who are children he plays with often now, as Erin knows their nanny Zoe. When he said it to me and I told Erin he meant Matthew's (and Jennifer and Michael's) dog, Gracie - and she does bark a lot! He remembers the recent visit to Matthew, and that Matthew let him ride on his bike and play with his toys, including a screwdriver. I have included a couple of photos of Matthew and David taken at our place on an earlier visit.

Erin has been sick a bit (caught the lurgie from the kids) and I spent nearly a week straight with David - and it went fine. We do get on, and even though he is only a cuddly boy when he is tired, miserable or we are reading, he really is affectionate.

He loves getting out and saying hello to everyone - the man in the coffee shop, the people in the greengrocer, the locals who walk their dog - everyone gets a Hi or Morning! He had made friends with our neighbours - he sees John and Carol most mornings & evenings when we are waiting for Erin, or Erin & David are waiting for me to come home from work. He also knows Danny, who lives in the middle unit and is always friendly and talks to him. He waves to the men who work in the factory units across the road, and gets a wave and a toot- toot from the rubbish truck men every Thursday.

At last, another post!

This is David and Dad at the Australian Museum, and David with his first real dinosaur. We came around the corner in the foyer of the Museum and David pointed and said Dino! It was a big hit. We had a lovely time at the Museum. David ran around lots, went up and down the stairs, played in the under-5s area, touched lots of child friendly things (like stuffed owls, wombats, kookaburras, turtle & tortoise shells, starfish, and an echidna. We really liked the skeleton room, and David thought the whale skeleton was another dinosaur!

Once we left the Museum, David was so tired, he fell asleep in the pram and we went for a quick lunch, in absolute peace and quiet.

We came into the city on the Light Rail (or tram) and returned the same way. David also loved the train ride. All in all, a marvelous outing, enjoyed by all.

Monday, March 12, 2007


Have I mentioned before that David is very interested in bikes? Bicyles, scooters, motor bikes, tricycles, scooters (foot and motorised), if it looks like it has wheels (WHEEL!!) then it must be interesting. David is very much a boy in a lot of ways already. Cars, trucks, vans, buses, industrial machinery, diggers, tractors are also interesting, as they also have wheels and steering wheels and make noises and do things. For quite a while he has been climbing onto our bikes in the garage - see photo of him with Katie. He runs across to them when he goes into the garage, and cries a lot when we take him away. He stands on the handlbars, tries to climb up on the pedals, sits on the cross bar - you get the idea. He loves standing on the crossbar and spinning the wheel on Dad's golf buggy that is hanging up on the wall. He also loves wearing Dad's bike helmet.
David also makes a bee line for bikes, scooters and cars at playgroup and other children's bikes and trikes at playgrounds, wants to climb on board and gets very excited (and can get upset when he can't get on them, because they belong to someone else). We have checked out a few options including trikes, the smallest possible bike with trainer wheels, scooters, even bikes without pedals (that he would push along with his feet - no breaks, no chains, less distance to fall and apparently very good) however, we have been hampered by him being just a bit small for them all.
So, after one last look at scooters we bought David a trike on Sunday 11 March 2007. See photos for the trike - it has a safety bar, rests for his feet and a push along handle. All of the last mentioned items can be removed as he get bigger. He still can only just reach the pedals (a bit) but not enough to pedal himself.
He loves it. You can't tell from the photos, because he is concentrating, but he was speechless when we got it for him. He just loves it. I pushed him around the little park near Dad's office on Sunday and up to the bike shop for the fantastic blue helmet (which he also loves). Today (Monday) we went for a walk to the corner shop for milk at around 7.00am and then Erin took him to the park and to the shopping centre all with the trike. It fits in the car and he can see it!!
You can also see Gromit modelling the bike and helmet. David must love Gromit very much because he let Gromit ride the bike and helmet! Gromit is a real risk taker too.
More later. I haven't had much time for updates lately - we have had a few minor but time consuming domestic hiccups and I have been working extra hours because I am just so busy. So, not as many updates! I will try to just do these quick ones, to keep you all up to date.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

More photos from January

So, a few more photos. The first is David being very excited about his new lace up shoes. Erin and Gran went out to buy these, and after two shoe shops and lots of trying on, David got these. Everyone likes them, particularly David. He wore them out of the shop and he still carries them around at home. Sothe first two photos are David walking outside in them. The photo of David in the walking straps was a very short lived experiment by Dad. Suffice it to say that David only thought the straps were exciting until he realised what they were. Dad ended up strapping him in the pram. However, David is definiately out of the pram and walking independently, where ever he can.

The next one is David, Katie, Erin and Gran all walking up to the local shop to buy cream (they didn't have any) and a very good time was had by all. Absolutely no pram or pusher involved!

Last Sunday, before Dad went to Perth for work, he and David went for their usual early morning walk. Unfortunately, David wouldn't hold Dad's hand, instead sitting down when he didn't get to go where he wanted to. It was a big effort to go a short distance. In the afternoon, I wanted to go shopping at the grocery store, and after going to the pet shop (to see fish, birds, rabbits and some puppies) and the fruit and veg shop and butcher, David wanted out. When I let him out, to walk back to the grocery store and get into the shopping trolley, he ran around in the underground parking garage. Not good. He then wouldn't get in the shopping trolley at all, and after a real period of crying, I gave up and came home. He didn't get to walk around though.

The last is just before Christmas - David and Katie playing on David's rocking snail. Lots of fun. Apparently today there were a few tears over this. David and Katie were learning to SHARE - David had to share his snail, and Katie had to share the (David's) Hungry Hippo, which she apparently thinks is hers. David doesn't play with the Hippo very much. David had to sit on the mat for pushing, and Katie had a second day with periods sitting on the mat to learn not to bite David. Just lovely! They do actually get on very well - very excited to see each other and they enjoy playing together, but we are still establishing ground rules. As I have mentioned before, I think babies are a lot like puppies, just more complex and expensive.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Recent Photos

Well, a short post with some recent photos. David in his new toybox - we already need a second one! This was taken at Christmas and you can see the tree in the playpen (for safety) in the background.

The next photo is climbing David - a ladder is a challenge. This is our step ladder at home, which was being used in the garage. It has nice wide treads - so not a problem. This week David was confidently attacking the ladders at the park up to the slides and platforms. These have much narrower treads and wider gaps. He (and Katie and the other kids) love it all.
The last photo is David with his favourite cap - for Australia Day. The day he got it, he wore it all day, even for his nap. It was an emergency purchase, as Erin forgot to take his hat out, but an absolute find, as he will actually keep it on. It is a full adult size - adjusted to the smallest head!
Sorry about the setting out - this is the new "improved" version of hte Blogger and it won't let me adjust the photos properly. Well, you can see them anyway.
More later!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wow, Christmas went so fast....

Wow, Christmas went so fast and the New Year is already well established. Paul, David & I had a quiet Christmas, just the three of us. We were all exhausted by the time we finished the working year, and while I managed to send a few Christmas cards, the Christmas pudding was only just made before Christmas arrived! I say "pudding" but I actually mean puddings - I got a little carried away with the fruit preparation and we ended up with four - a small one in a cloth for Christmas day and three in basins. We have now eaten two of them - we have two small basin puddings in reserve for later in the year.

We went to see the Sydney Haselhurst cousins at the traditional Haselhurst Christmas Eve get together - David had a wonderful time. Particularly getting in the cupboard under the stairs and getting bounced down the stairs with cousin Patrick!

On Christmas Day itself, we had the full deal this year - ham, turkey, cherries and pudding! Even Christmas Crackers. David of course wouldn't eat ham or turkey but loved the cherries, mangos, and all the other fruit. David had beans for Christmas lunch (calling out 'beans' when throwing the little piece of ham on the floor). We ate late, because opening presents and having breakfast shouldn't be rushed. David had so many presents that we staggered it a little - opening them in stages and keeping a few for the following days. Lots of books, a blue sit-on hippo, peekablocks and roll arounds, a wooden puzzle, animal jigsaws, a duplo zoo (which we gave him properly after he had been to the zoo - see below). He also received a soft foam fold out Spiderman sofa from Gran. Theoretically he also received his pine table and chairs for Christmas, but he has been enjoying them now for a few months - now stacked up with books. He and Katie also eat their morning tea at the table and chairs, when they are not squashing onto one chair together.

To be honest though, the favourite thing would have to be the computer mouse Paul gave David - he learnt to say 'mouse' really quickly (he calls out for it) and carries it around and pushes it on the carpet or floor like a car, or uses the wheel on it on the table or drapes it around his neck - you get the idea. It hasn't stopped him being obsessed with the computer and real mouse on the office desk though.

It was a cool, drizzly Christmas, with heavy rain the couple of days before. Unfortuately not enough to break the drought, but east of the Dividing Range actually got some good rain. Melbourne has had very hot weather off and on since Christmas and more and more bushfires. Everywhere is short (or desperately short) of water. You wouldn't know it here though - the rain and warm weather has made all the grass and weeds shoot up.

Paul and David had a quality Boxing Day together and I went into the sales in the City. I went early and by early afternoon, the City was practically heaving with people. I managed to get two pairs of trousers, after a lot of looking - so I did very well! In the intervening couple of weeks we have picked up a few things - and David has new clothes. He also has his first belt - just a simple webbing belt in blue. I may have already mentioned that he loves getting Paul's belt in the morning and carrying it around. He is quite excited about having his own!

I have made you wait for the most exciting news though - we all went to the Zoo on Friday 29 December. It was a coolish day again, with a lovely breeze off the harbour. We went in the morning for approximately four hours and it was wonderful. David saw all his favourites - the lions, tigers, giraffe, zebra, chimpanzees and the marvelous young elephants (eating and swimming in their pond). Because it was an overcast day, lots of animals were quite active - we saw five echidna walking around (more than I have ever seen before!) koalas awake, kangaroos hopping, tigers having a play around, lots of birds in the walk through aviaries and much much more. The intersting thing was how David recognised animals from the pictures in his books - he made "Raah!" noises at the lions and tigers (like every other child there) and squeeky monkey noises when he saw the chimps. He couldn't get over how big the animals were - he now has a sign (where he raises his arms as high as possible) for BIG which he uses for elephants and giraffes. I had forgotten just how big the lions and tigers actually are. Nothing seemed to scare him though. He was so tired that he fell asleep in the car before we had left the parking spot - and slept for four hours.

We didn't do anything for New Year's Eve as David didn't actually sleep that day - 15 minutes doesn't count. We finally got him to sleep at about 7.30pm and Paul and I were exhausted by that stage. Paul and I watched the partial fireworks from our balcony and had a toast to each other.

My mum Jan arrived for a visit on 3 January and David and I have been spending some time with Gran. David has been spending more time, because I went back to work on Monday 8 January. David, Erin and Jan have been to the Aquarium to see the fish. It sounds as though that was almost as good as the zoo - He touched a starfish and loved seeing all the sharks and turtles. Only one penguin though. David now says 'fish', "Turtle" and 'shark' really clearly - and 'star'for starfish. He has a photo of a shark in one of his books and he gets really excited when he looks for and finds the photo.

Despite the cool weather we have been swimming a couple of times and I am getting back into the swim of it for myself. David, Jan and I went to the pool so that she could see David in the water, and Jan also came along for David's swimming lesson last Saturday. The break seems to have done him good - his kicking is much improved. He seems to prefer the toddler/wading pool though, where he can stand as well as kick along. We spent extra time in the toddler pool after his lesson on Saturday because David wanted to, and perhaps he swallowed a bit of pool water, because he had a vomiting attack at tea time on Saturday night. He was miserable, and after the third or fourth vomit, got upset. He fell asleep exhausted eventually and was a lot better when he woke up an hour or so later. We got him to bed around 10.30pm. Lots of clothes, his and ours, to wash! David was lethargic on Sunday but just about back to normal on Monday. No other symptoms, so we are just taking it as an upset tummy.

Other new words are bucket, up, 'get down' (rather than just 'down'), buckle and he is saying 'Da' for David. He is also saying 'daddy' and mummy' rather than dada and mumma, so it is all changing all the time. That is probably enough for now. Photos another time!